Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CHAPTER VII. Dundhubhi Svaniya

Dundhubhi Svaniya


treats of the sounds of a (medicated) drum, etc., possessed of antivenomous virtues . 

i. Ksharagada:—

शिग्रुशाकगोजीमुर्वाभूर्जतिल्वकेक्षुरकगोपघोण्टारिमेदानां भस्मान्याहृत्य गवां मूत्रेण क्षारकल्पेन परिस्राव्य विपचेत् दद्याच्चात्र पिप्पलीमूलतण्डुली यकवराङ्गचोचमञ्जिष्ठाकरञ्जिकाहस्तिपिप्पलीमरिचविडङ्गगृह धूमानन्तासोमसरलाबाह्लीकगुहाकोशाम्रश्वेतसर्षप वरुणलवणप्लक्ष निचुलकवञ्जुलवक्रालवर्धमानपुत्रश्रेणीसप्तपर्णटुण्टुकैलवालुक
नागदन्त्यतिविषाभयाभद्रदारुकुष्ठहरिद्रावचाचूर्णानि लोहानां च समभागानि ततः क्षारवदागतपाकमवतार्य लोहकुम्भे निदध्यात्

The woods of 

  • Dhava, 
  • As'vakarna,
  • Tinis'a
  •  Palas'a
  •  Pichu-marda
  •  Patali
  •  Paribhadraka,
  •  Amra
  •  Udumhara
  •  Karahataka, 
  •  Arjuna,
  •  Kakubha, 
  •  Sarja,
  •  Kapitana
  •  S'leshmataka
  •  Amkotha
  •  Amalaka,
  •  Pragraha
  •  Kutaja
  •  S'ami,
  •  Kapittha,
  •  As'vmantaka,
  •  Arka,
  •  Chira-vilva,
  •  Maha-vriksha,
  •  Arushkara
  •  Aralu
  •  Madhuka
  •  Madhu-s'igru, 
  •  S'aka,
  •  Goji,
  •  Murva, 
  •  Tilvaka,
  •  Ikshuraka,
  •  Gopa-ghanta and
  •  Arimeda

 * The plants of these should be taken in full i.e. with their leaves, roots, branches, etc. 
The prepared ash should be dissolved in cow's urine weighing six times the combined weight of the ashes. 
Dallana says that Gayaddsa does not read "S'irisha, Pichumarda, Kakubha, Arushkara and Madhu-S'igru" in the list.

  • should be taken (in equal parts) 
  • and burnt down to ashes. 
  • The said ashes should be dissolved in the urine of a cow and
  •  filtered (through a piece of linen) in the manner of preparing an alkali.
  •  This alkaline solution should then be duly boiled (till it would assume a transparent blood-red hue and slimy character),

and the powders of

  •  Pippalimula,
  • Tanduliyaka
  • Varanga,
  • Chochaka, 
  • Manjishtha
  • Karanja, 
  • Hasti-Pippali, 
  • Maricha, 
  • Utpala, 
  • Sariva,
  • Vidanga 
  • Grihadhuma (soot of a room), 
  • Ananta, 
  • Soma,
  • Sarala 
  • Vahlika, 
  • Guha, 
  • Kos'amra, 
  • white mustard seeds,
  • Varuna, 
  • Lavana, 
  • Plaksha, 
  • Nichula, 
  • Vardhamdna, 
  • Vanjula,
  • Putra-s'reni, 
  • Sapta-parna, 
  • Dandaka, 
  • Ela-valuka,
  • Naga-danti, 
  • Ativisha, 
  • Abhaya,
  • Bhadra-daru Kushtha,
  • Haridra and
  •  Vacha 

together with pulverised (dead) iron (taken in equal parts)*

  •  should be added to it. 
  • Then it should be boiled again and preserved in an iron pitcher after it had been duly prepared in the manner of an alkali. 

* The total weight of these powders to be added should be one thirtieth part of the prepared alkalitie solution. 

Dallana says that Gayadasa counts only thirty and 
he does not read "Maricha, Soma, Guha, Lavana, Chakra and Ala in the text. 
We do not, however, find Chakra and Ala in the text. 

We have, on the other hand, the names of some more drugs which are believed to be mere interpolations from the marginal notes of some manuscripts.

Metrical Texts : —

अनेन दुन्दुभिं लिम्पेत् पताकां तोरणानि च 
श्रवणाद्दर्शनात् स्पर्शात् विषात् संप्रतिमुच्यते
एष क्षारागदो नाम शर्करास्वश्मरीषु च
अर्शः सु वातगुल्मेषु कासशूलोदरेषु च 
अजीर्णे ग्रहणीदोषे भक्तद्वेषे च दारुणे
शोफे सर्वसरे चापि देयः श्वासे च दारुणे
सदा सर्वविषार्तानां सर्वथैवोपयुज्यते
एष तक्षकमुख्यानामपि दर्पाङ्कुशो अगदः 

  • Dundhubhis (drums), banners and the gate ways of houses should be smeared with this alkaline preparation, 
  • hearing the sound as well as the sight and touch where of would lead to the complete elimination of the poison from the system of the patient. 

  • This medicine is known as the Ksharagada which is equally efficacious in cases of

  1. S'arkara (gravel), 
  2. stones in the bladder, 
  3. Haemorrhoids,
  4. Vata- Gulma, 
  5. cough, 
  6. S'ula (colic),
  7. Udara (abdominal dropsy),
  8. Ajirna / indigestion,
  9. Grahani, 
  10. extreme aversion to food, 
  11. general oedema of the body and 
  12. violent asthma. 

  • The remedy is applicable in all cases of poisoning of whatsoever type 
  • and acts as a sure antidote to the poison of the serpents headed by the dreadful Takshaka. 

Kalyanaka Ghrita:—

दाडिमं मालतीपुष्पं रजन्यौ सारिवे स्थिरे 
प्रियङ्गुस्तगरं कुष्ठं बृहत्यौ चैलवालुकम्
सचन्दनगवाक्षीभिरेतैः सिद्धं विषापहम्
सर्पिः कल्याणकं ह्येतद्दृग्रहापस्मारनाशनम्
शोषिणामल्पशुक्राणां बन्ध्यानां च प्रशस्यते 

An adequate quantity of clarified better duly cooked with (the decoction and Kalka of) the drugs 

  • Vidanga, 
  • Tri-phala
  • Danti
  • Bhadra-daru
  • Harenu
  • Talis'a-patra
  • Manjishtha
  • Kes'ara
  • Utpala, 
  • Padmaka 
  • Dadima, 
  • Malati flower,
  • the two kinds of Rajani, 
  • the two kinds of Sariva
  • the two kinds of Sthira, 
  • Priyangu, 
  • Tagara 
  • Kushtha,
  • the two kinds of brihati
  • Elavdluka
  • chandana / sandal wood 
  • and Gavakshi

              is known as the Kalyanaka Ghrita. 

The curative efficacy of this Ghrita extends to cases of

  1. poisoning,
  2. Grahapasmara (hysteria due to the influence of malignant stars and planets), 
  3. Jaundice, 
  4. Gara dosha (slow chemical poisoning), 
  5. asthma, 
  6. sluggishness of appetite, 
  7. fever and 
  8. cough. 
  9. It is commended to consumptive patients, 
  10. as well as to men suffering from scantiness of semen 
  11. and women afflicted with sterility. 

Amrita Ghrita:—

अपामार्गस्य बीजानि शिरीषस्य च माषकान्
श्वेते द्वे काकमाचीं च गवां मूत्रेण पेषयेत्
सर्पिरेतैस्तु संसिद्धिं विषसंशमनं परम्
अमृतं नाम विख्यातमपि संजीवयेन्मृतम् 


  • An adequate quantity of clarified butter duly cooked with the seeds of 

  • Apamarga 
  • and of the two kinds of S'veta,
  •  S'irisha
  •  and Kakamachi

(previously) pasted with the urine of a cow 

is known as the Amrita-Ghrita. 

  1. useful in all cases of poisoning 
  2. and is capable of bringing back an apparently dead man to life. 

Maha-sugandhi Agada :—

चन्दनागुरुणी कुष्ठं तगरं तिलपर्णिकम् 
प्रपौण्डरीकं नलदं सरलं देवदारु च 
भद्रश्रियं यवफलां भार्गी नीलद्यं सुगन्धिकाम् 
कालेयकं पद्मकं च मधुकं नागरं जटाम्
पुन्नागैलैलवालूनि गैरिकं ध्यामकं बलाम्
तोयं सर्जरसं मांसीं शतपुष्पां हरेणुकाम्
तालीशपत्रं क्षुद्रैलां प्रियङ्गु सकुटन्नटम्
शिलापुष्पं सशैलेयं पत्रं कालानुसारिवाम्
कटुत्रिकं शीतशिवं काश्मर्यं कटुरोहिणीम्
सोमराजीमतिविषां पृथ्विकामिन्द्रवारुणीम्
उशीरं वरुणं मुस्तं कुस्तुम्बुरु नखं तथा 
श्वेते हरिद्रे स्थौणेयं लाक्षां च लवणानि च 
कुमुदोत्पलपद्मानि पुष्पं चापि तथा अकजम्
 चम्पकाशोकसुमनस्तिल्वकप्रसवानि च 
पाटलीशाल्मलीशैलुशिरीषाणां तथैव च 
कुसुमं त्रुणमूल्याश्च सुरभीसिन्धुवारजम्
धवाश्वकर्णपार्थानां पुष्पाणि तिनिशस्य च 
गुग्गुलुं कुङ्कुमंबिंबीं सर्पाक्षीं गन्धनाकुलीम्
एतत् संभृत्य संभारं सूक्ष्मचूर्णानि कारयेत्
गोपित्तमधुसर्पिर्भियुक्तं श्रुङ्गे निधापयेत्
भग्नस्कन्धं विवृत्ताक्षं मृत्योर्दंष्ट्रान्तरं गतम्
अनेनागदमुख्येन मनुष्यं पुनराहरेत्
एषो अग्निकल्पं दुर्वारं क्रुद्धस्यामिततेजसः 
विषं नागपतेर्हन्यात् प्रसभं वासुकेरपि
महासुगन्धिनामा अय पञ्चाशीत्यङ्गसंयुतः 
राजा अगदानां सर्वेषां राज्ञो हस्ते भवेत् सदा
स्नातानुलिप्तस्तु नृपो भवेत् सर्वजनप्रियः 
भ्राजिष्णुतां च लभते शत्रुमध्यगतो अपि सन्

The following drugs viz., 

  • (red) sandal wood, 
  • Aguru, 
  • Kushtha
  • Tagara, 
  • Tila-parnika
  • Prapaundarika
  • Nalada, 
  • Sarala
  • Deva-daru
  • Bhadra-s'ri (white sandal wood),
  • Yavaphala,
  • Bhargi, 
  • Nili,
  • Sugandhika,
  • Kaleyaka, 
  • Padmaka
  • Madhuka, 
  • Nagara
  • Jata (a variety of Jata-mamsi),
  • Punnaga, 
  • Ela, 
  • Elavalu, 
  • Gairika, 
  • Dhyamaka, 
  • Bala,
  • Toya 
  • Sarjarasa 
  • Mamsi, 
  • Sita-pushpa 
  • Harenuka, 
  • Talis'a' patra, 
  • small Ela 
  • Priyangu, 
  • Kutannata, 
  • S'ailapushpa,
  • S'aileya, 
  • Patra, 
  • Kalanu-
  • Sariva, 
  • Tri-katu 
  • S'ita-s'iva*
  • Kasmarya 
  • Katu-rohini, 
  • Somaraji 
  • Ati'visha,
  • Prithvika
  • Indra-varuni 
  • Us'ira, 
  • Varuna 
  • Musta
  •  Nakha, 
  • Kustumburu,
  •  the two kinds of S'veta, 
  • £ the two kinds of Haridra, 
  • Sthauneya 
  • Laksha, 
  • the five kinds of officinal salts, 
  • Kumuda, 
  • Utpala
  • Padma
  • flower of Arka
  • flowers and fruits of Champaka, 
  • As'oka
  • Sumanas
  • Tilaka (sesamum), 
  • Patali
  • Salmali
  • S'elu
  • S'irisha
  • Surasi
  • Trina-suli and 
  • of Sindhuvara, 
  • flowers of Dhava, 
  • As'vakarna
  • and Tinisa, 
  • Guggulu
  • Kumkuma, 
  • bimbi, 
  • Sarpakshi
  • and Gandha-Nakuli 

  • should be carefully collected
  • and pasted with honey, clarified butter and the bile of a cow 
  • and should be kept inside a horn (or a receptacle made of that material). 

This medicine, 

  1. is the best of all anti-venomous medicinal preparations,
  2. would rescue from the jaws of death, a patient even with drooped down shoulders and sunk and upturned eyes. 
  3. It is capable of destroying in a moment the irresistible fire like poison even of the dreadful infuriated Vasuki, the king of serpents. 
  4. This Agada which consists of eighty-five ingredients is called the Mahasugandhi Agada 
  5. and is the most potent of all antivenomous remedies.
  6.  It should constantly be in the possession of a king. 
  7. Smeared with the present preparation he is sure to be a favourite with all his subjects and to shine with his sovereign majesty even amidst his enemies. 

* Dallana explains "S'ita-s'iva" to mean ••camphor". 
Others explain it to mean *'S'ami."

£ The text has "S'veta" in the dual number meaning the two kinds of ••S'veta' viz ; white Vacha and white Aparajita 

Dallana gives only "Vacha." as its synonym, which shows he takes the word in the singular number and not in the dual as in the printed text. 
This appears to be the correct reading, for otherwise the number of the drugs in the list would be more than eighty-five.

उष्णवर्ज्यो विधिः कार्यो विषार्तानां विजानता
मुक्त्वा कीटविषं तद्धि शीतेनाभिप्रवर्धते

A physician well versed in the natures of poisons,

  • should adopt all remedial measures 
  • except the heatengendering heatening ones in all types of poisoning. 

  • But this rule would not be applicable in a case of insect- bite in as much as the poison of an insect is cool in its potency 
  • and hence would be aggravated by the application of any cooling measures. 

Rules of diet and conduct :—

अन्नपानविधावुक्तमुपधार्य शुभाशुभम्
शुभं देयं विषार्तेभ्यो विरुद्धेभ्यश्च वारयेत्
फाणितं शिग्रुसौवीरमजीर्णाध्यशनं तथा
वर्जयेच्च समासेन नवधान्याधिकं गणम्
दिवास्वप्नं व्यवायं च व्यायामं क्रोद्धमातपम्
सुरातिलकुलत्थांश्चवर्जयेद्धि विषातुरः

Wholesome diets which have been enumerated in the chapter on Anupana-Vidhi, 

  • should be prescribed in cases of poisoning after a due consideration of the 
  • nature,
  •  habit, and
  •  temperament of the patient who should be warned against the use of unwholesome ones.

  • The use of Phanita (liquid treacle), 
  • S'igru, 
  • Sauvira 
  • the taking of meals before the digestion of the previous ones, 
  • the group of Nava-Dhanya (unmatured corn), 
  • wine, 
  • sesamum, 
  • oil and 
  • Kulattha- pulse , 
  • sleep in the day time, 
  • sexual intercourse, 
  • physical exercise, 
  • fits of anger and
  • exposure to the sun 

          - are forbidden in the case of a poisoned patient. 

Symptoms of elimination of poison :

प्रसन्नदोषं प्रकृतिस्थधातुमन्नाभिकाङ्क्षं सममूत्रजिह्वम्
प्रसन्नवर्णेन्द्रियचित्तचेष्टं वैद्यो अवगच्चेदविषं मनुष्यम्

  1. The restoration of the deranged Doshas and of the vital principles (Dhatus of the body) to their normal state, 
  2. a natural craving for food and drink,
  3. the normal colour and condition of the tongue and of the urine 
  4. and the normal state and functions of the mind and of the sense-organs in a poisoned patient 

           - would indicate the full and complete elimination of the poison from his system. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Chapter V. Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites (Sarpa-Dashta Kalpa-Chikitsitam)

Chapter V. 
Medical Treatment Of Snake-Bites (Sarpa-Dashta Kalpa-Chikitsitam)

अथातः सर्पदष्टविषचिकित्सितं कल्पं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१|| 

यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२|| 

General Treatment Of Snake-Bites

In all cases of snake-bites 

सर्वैरेवादितः सर्पैः शाखादष्टस्य देहिनः | 
दंशस्योपरि बध्नीयादरिष्टाश्चतुरङ्गुले ||३|| 
प्लोतचर्मान्तवल्कानां मृदुनाऽन्यतमेन वै | 

न गच्छति विषं देहमरिष्टाभिर्निवारितम् ||४|| 
  • ligatures of cloth, skin, soft fibre or any other soft article (consecrated with the proper Mantras), should first of all be bound 
  • four fingers apart above the seat of the bite in the event of its occurring in the extremities,
  • in as much as such a proceeding would arrest the further (upward) course of the poison in the body. 
दहेद्दंशमथोत्कृत्य यत्र बन्धो न जायते | 

आचूषणच्छेददाहाः सर्वत्रैव तु पूजिताः ||५|| 

  • As an alternative, the seat of the bite should be incisioned, bled and cauterized where such a ligature would be found to be impossible. 
  • Incision, cauterization, and sucking (of the poisoned blood from the seat of the bite) should be highly recommended in all cases of snake-bites. 
प्रतिपूर्य मुखं वस्त्रैर्हितमाचूषणं भवेत् | 
स दष्टव्योऽथवा सर्पो लोष्टो वाऽपि हि तत्क्षणम् ||६|| 
  • The cavity of the mouth should be filled with a linen * before sucking (the blood from the wound). 
  • It would do the man bitten by a snake an immense good if he could bite the serpent that had bitten him or failing that, bite a  lod of earth without any loss of time. 
* Dallana recommends burnt earth or the earth of an ant-hill or ash for the purpose of filling up the mouth before sucking the poisoned blood.

अथ मण्डलिना दष्टं न कथञ्चन दाहयेत् | 

स पित्तबाहुल्यविषाद्दंशो दाहाद्विसर्पते ||७|| 

  • The seat of the bite by a Mandali snake should not however, be cauterized inasmuch 
  • as the preponderant Pittaja character of the poison, aggravated by the application of the heat, might lead to its speedy expansion or coursing in the system. 

Mantras: - 

अरिष्टामपि मन्त्रैश्च बध्नीयान्मन्त्रकोविदः | 

सा तु रज्ज्वादिभिर्बद्धा विषप्रतिकरी मता ||८|| 

A physician well-versed in the Mantras of anti-venomous potency 

  • should bind a ligature of cord consecrated with appropriate Mantras which would arrest a further spread of the poison. 

देवब्रह्मर्षिभिः प्रोक्ता मन्त्राः सत्यतपोमयाः | 
भवन्ति नान्यथा क्षिप्रं विषं हन्युः सुदुस्तरम् ||९|| 

  • The Mantras full of occult energy of perfect truth and divine communion, disclosed by the Devarshis and Brahmarshis of yore, never fail to eliminate the poison from the system, and hold their own even in cases of deadliest poisons. 

विषं तेजोमयैर्मन्त्रैः सत्यब्रह्मतपोमयैः | 
यथा निवार्यते क्षिप्रं प्रयुक्तैर्न तथौषधैः ||१०|| 

  • Elimination of the poison with the help of Mantras, full of the energy of Brahma, of truth and austerities, is more rapid than under the effects of drugs. 

A man, while learning the Mantras, should forego

मन्त्राणां ग्रहणं कार्यं स्त्रीमांसमधुवर्जिना | 
मिताहारेण शुचिना कुशास्तरणशायिना ||११|| 

  • sexual intercourse, 
  • animal diet, 
  • wine, 
  • honey, etc.,
  • - should be self-controlled 
  • and clean in body and spirit and (before learning the Mantras) 
  • shall lie on a mattress of Kus'a-grass. 

गन्धमाल्योपहारैश्च बलिभिश्चापि देवताः | 

पूजयेन्मन्त्रसिद्ध्यर्थं जपहोमैश्च यत्नतः ||१२|| 

  • For the successful application of his newly acquired knowledge (Mantras) he shall devotedly worship the gods with offerings of perfumes, garlands of flowers, edibles, (animal) oblations, etc., 
  • and with the appropriate Mantras sacred to them 
  • as well as with burnt offerings, 

मन्त्रास्त्वविधिना प्रोक्ता हीना वा स्वरवर्णतः | 
यस्मान्न सिद्धिमायान्ति तस्माद्योज्योऽगदक्रमः ||१३|| 

  • since a Mantra chanted by a man in an unclean spirit or body, or accented or uttered incorrectly will not take effect. 
  • The medicinal compounds of anti-venomous drugs should also be employed in such cases. 

Blood-Letting In Snake-Bite

समन्ततः सिरा दंशाद्विध्येत्तु कुशलो भिषक् | 
शाखाग्रे वा ललाटे वा व्यध्यास्ता विसृते विषे ||१४|| 
रक्ते निर्ह्रियमाणे तु कृत्स्नं निर्ह्रियते विषम् | 
तस्माद्विस्रावयेद्रक्तं सा ह्यस्य परमा क्रिया ||१५|| 
समन्तादगदैर्दंशं प्रच्छयित्वा प्रलेपयेत् | 

चन्दनोशीरयुक्तेन वारिणा परिषेचयेत् ||१६|| 

A skillful physician

  • should open the veins round the seat of the bite and bleed the affected part. 
  • The veins of the fore-head and the extremities should be opened in the case where the poison would be found to have spread through the whole organism. 
  • The poison will be found to have been fully eliminated with the passage of the blood (from the incisioned wound). 
  • Hence bleeding should be resorted to as it is the best remedy in a case of snake-bite. 

  • Plasters of anti-poisonous drugs (Agada) should be applied all round the seat of the bite after scarifying it, 
  • which should be sprinkled with water mixed with (red) Sandal wood and Us'ira or with their decoction. 
पाययेतागदांस्तांस्तान् क्षीरक्षौद्रघृतादिभिः | 

  • The appropriate Agada compounds (according to the nature of the bite) should be administered through the medium of milk, honey and clarified butter, etc. 

तदलाभे हिता वा स्यात् कृष्णा वल्मीकमृत्तिका ||१७|| 
  • In the absence of these, the patient should be made to take (a solution of) the black earth of an ant-hill (dissolved in water). 

कोविदारशिरीषार्ककटभीर्वाऽपि भक्षयेत् |१८| 

न पिबेत्तैलकौलत्थमद्यसौवीरकाणि च ||१८|| 
  • The patient should not be allowed to take oil, the soup of Kulattha-pulse, wine and Sauviraka.

 द्रवमन्यत्तु यत्किञ्चित् पीत्वा पीत्वा तदुद्वमेत् |
प्रायो हि वमनेनैव सुखं निर्ह्रियते विषम् ||१९|| 

  • The patient should be made to vomit with the help of any other suitable liquid available, since vomiting in most cases leads to the elimination of the poison from the system. 

Specific Treatment Of The Bite By A Hooded (Darvi-Kara) Snake

In the case of a bite by a hooded (Darvi-kara) snake,

फणिनां विषवेगे तु प्रथमे शोणितं हरेत् | 

1. bleeding by opening the veins should be resorted to in the first stage of poisoning.

द्वितीये मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां पाययेतागदं भिषक् ||२०|| 

2.In the second stage, the patient should be made to drink an Agada compound with honey and clarified butter.

नस्यकर्माञ्जने युञ्ज्यात्तृतीये विषनाशने | 

3. In the third stage, anti-poisonous snuffs (Nasya) and collyrium (Anjana) should be employed.

 वान्तं चतुर्थे पूर्वोक्तां यवागूमथ दापयेत् ||२१|| 

4.In the fourth stage, the patient should be made to vomit, and medicated Yavágu (gruel) mentioned before (in connection with vegetable poison - see Chapter II (Medical Treatment Of Recent Or Traumatic Wounds Or Sores (Sadyovrana-Chikitsa)), para. 26, Kalpasthána) should then be given him for drink. 

शीतोपचारं कृत्वाऽऽदौ भिषक् पञ्चमषष्ठयोः | 
पाययेच्छोधनं तीक्ष्णं यवागूं चापि कीर्तिताम् ||२२|| 

5.and 6. In the fifth and the sixth stages, after the administration of cooling measures, strong purgatives and emetics should be administered and the foregoing medicated Yavágu (gruel) should be administered to the patient. 

सप्तमे त्ववपीडेन शिरस्तीक्ष्णेन शोधयेत् | 
तीक्ष्णमेवाञ्जनं दद्यात्, तीक्ष्णशस्त्रेण मूर्ध्नि च ||२३|| 

7. In the seventh stage, strong medicated Avapida-snuffs and strong collyrium of anti-venomous efficacy should be employed for the purification (purging) of the head. 

कृत्वा काकपदं चर्म सासृग्वा पिशितं क्षिपेत् |२४| 

  • Superficial incisions like the marks of crow's feet should be made on the scalp and the affected flesh and blood should be removed, 

Specific Treatment Of Bites By A Mandali Snake

पूर्वे मण्डलिनां वेगे दर्वीकरवदाचरेत् ||२४|| 

1. In the first stage of a case of poisoning by the bite of a Mandali snake, the treatment is the same as in the corresponding stage of a Darvi-kara (cobra) bite. 

अगदं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां द्वितीये पाययेत च |
वामयित्वा यवागूं च पूर्वोक्तामथ दापयेत् ||२५|| 

2. In the second stage, an Agada compound should be given with honey and clarified butter and after making the patient vomit the preceding medicated Yavagu (gruel) should be administerd to him. 

तृतीये शोधितं तीक्ष्णैर्यवागूं पाययेद्धिताम् | 

3. In the third stage, after the exhibition of drastic purgatives and brisk emetics, a proper and suitable medicated gruel should be administered. 

चतुर्थे पञ्चमे चापि दर्वीकरवदाचरेत् ||२६|| 

4. In the fourth 
5. and the fifth stages, the treatment would be the same as in the corresponding stages of a Darvi-kara (cobra) bite. 

 षष्ठे पेयश्च मधुरोऽगदः | 

6. In the sixth stage, the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) Gana taken with milk prove efficacious. 

हितोऽवपीडे त्वगदः सप्तमे विषनाशनः ||२७|| 

7. In the seventh stage, anti-venomous Agada compound in the shape of Avapida (snuff) would neutralise the effects of poison.

Specific treatment of Rajiman bites

पूर्वे राजिमतां वेगेऽलाबुभिः शोणितं हरेत् | 
अगदं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां संयुक्तं पाययेत च ||२८|| 

  1. In the first stage of a case of Rájiman-bite, bleeding should be resorted to and an Agada should be administered with milk and honey. 

द्वितीये त्वगदं पाययेद्विषनाशनम् | 

2. In the second stage, emetics and an anti-venomous Agada should be given to the patient. 

तृतीयादिषु त्रिष्वेवं विधिर्दार्वीकरो हितः ||२९|| 

In the third, 
fourth and
 fifth stages, the treatment should be the same as in the corresponding stages of a case of Darvi-kara-bite.
षष्ठेऽञ्जनं तीक्ष्णतमम्

In the sixth stage, the use of the strongest (anti-venomous) collyrium and 

अवपीडश्च सप्तमे |३०| 

in the seventh stage, that of an Avapida (snuff) of similar virtue should be prescribed. 

Contra-Indication To Blood-Letting In Cases Of Snake-Bites

गर्भिणीबालवृद्धानां सिराव्यधनवर्जितम् ||३०|| 
विषार्तानां यथोद्दिष्टं विधानं शस्यते मृदु |३१| 

in the case of an infant, an old man, or an enciente woman having been bitten by a snake, 

  • all the foregoing remedies in milder doses with the exception of blood-letting should be employed according to the requirements of the case. 

Dosage of Collyrium, etc , to be resorted to in cases of different beasts and birds: - 

रक्तावसेकाञ्जनानि नरतुल्यान्यजाविके ||३१||  

  • The quantity of medicated collyrium (Anjana) to be used and blood to be let out in the case of a goat or a sheep bitten by a snake should be equal to those laid down in connection with a similar human patient, 

 गवाश्वे द्विगुणं तु तत् | 

  • while the quantity should be doubled in the case of a cow or a horse. 

त्रिगुणं महिषे सोष्ट्रे

  • In the case of a camel or a buffalo it should be trebled, 
चतुर्गुणं तु नागानां,
  • while in the case of an elephant, it should be quadrupled 
केवलं सर्वपक्षिणाम् ||३२||

परिषेकान् प्रदेहांश्च सुशीतानवचारयेत् | 
  • Birds of what soever species in a similar predicament should, however, be treated only with sprays of cold water and cooling medicated plasters, 

General Dosage Of Medicines In Cases Of Snake-Bites

माषकं त्वञ्जनस्येष्टं 

In cases of snake bites, 

  • collyrium to the weight of one Máshaka (Máshá) should be used at a time. 

द्विगुणं नस्यतो हितम् | 
पाने चतुर्गुणं पथ्यं वमनेऽष्टगुणं पुनः ||३३|| 
  • The dosage of medicated snuff (Nasya), potions and emetics being respectively double, quadruple and eight times thereof. 

देशप्रकृतिसात्म्यर्तुविषवेगबलाबलम् | 

प्रधार्य निपुणं बुद्ध्या ततः कर्म समाचरेत् ||३४|| 

  • But a wise physician should treat a case of snake-bite with a full regard to the nature of the country, season, temperament, as well as to the intensity and the particular stage of poisoning the case has reached. 

वेगानुपूर्व्या कर्मोक्तमिदं विषविनाशनम् | 

कर्मावस्थाविशेषेण विषयोरुभयोः शृणु ||३५|| 

We have described the anti-venomous measures and remedies applicable to the different stages of poisoning (by a snake-bite). 

We shall now deal with the specific treatment of poisoning of either kind according to the physical symptoms developed in the patient. 

विवर्णे कठिने शूने सरुजेऽङ्गे विषान्विते | 
तूर्णं विस्रवणं कार्यमुक्तेन विधिना ततः ||३६|| 

  • Bloodletting should be speedily resorted to in the case where the poisoned limb had become discoloured, rigid, swollen and painful. 

क्षुधार्तमनिलप्रायं तद्विषार्तं समाहितः | 
पाययेत रसं सर्पिः शुक्तं क्षौद्रं तथा दधि ||३७|| 
  • Curd, Takra, honey, clarified butter and meat-soups should then be given to the patient affected with a poison marked by a preponderance of the aggravated Váyu and by a craving for food. 

तृड्दाहघर्मसम्मोहे पैत्तं पैत्तविषातुरम् | 

A person affected with a poison marked by a predominance of the aggravated Pitta would have 
  • thirst, 
  • epileptic fits, 
  • perspiration 
  • and a burning sensation in the body 
शीतैः संवाहनस्नानप्रदेहैः समुपाचरेत् ||३८|| 

  • and should be treated with shampooing with cold hands and with cold baths, 
  • and cooling medicinal plasters. 

शीते शीतप्रसेकार्तं श्लैष्मिकं कफकृद्विषम् | 
वामयेद्वमनैस्तीक्ष्णैस्तथा मूर्च्छामदान्वितम् ||३९|| 

A person affected with a poison marked by a predominance of the aggravated Kapha and bitten in the winter would have 
  • cold salivation, 
  • epileptic fits and 
  • intoxication and 

  • should be treated with strong emetics. 

Specific Treatment Of The Different Supervening Symptoms

कोष्ठदाहरुजाध्मानमूत्रसङ्गरुगन्वितम् | 
विरेचयेच्छकृद्वायुसङ्गपित्तातुरं नरम् ||४०|| 

Purgatives should be exhibited in the event of the patient being oppressed with such symptoms as 

  • pain and burning sensation in the abdomen, 
  • Adhmána (tympanites), 
  • retention of urine, stool and flatus, 
  • painful urination and other troubles of the deranged Pitta. 

शूनाक्षिकूटं निद्रार्तं विवर्णाविललोचनम् | 

विवर्णं चापि पश्यन्तमञ्जनैः समुपाचरेत् ||४१|| 

Collyrium should be applied (along the eyelids) in the case of 

  • a swelling of the eyeballs, 
  • somnolence, 
  • discolouring of the eye, 
  • cloudiness of vision 
  • and discoloured appearance of all objects. 

शिरोरुग्गौरवालस्यहनुस्तम्भगलग्रहे | 
शिरो विरेचयेत् क्षिप्रं मन्यास्तम्भे च दारुणे ||४२|| 
नष्टसञ्ज्ञं विवृत्ताक्षं भग्नग्रीवं विरेचनैः | 

The head of the patient should be cleansed (purged) with medicinal errhines (Nasya) in the case of 

  • pain and a heaviness of the head,
  •  lassitude, 
  • lock-jaw, 
  • constriction of the throat (Gala-graha) and 
  • violent wry neck (Manyá-stambha). 

चूर्णैः प्रधमनैस्तीक्ष्णैर्विषार्तं समुपाचरेत् ||४३|| 
ताडयेच्च सिराः क्षिप्रं तस्य शाखाललाटजाः | 
Powders of such drugs of the S'iro-virechana group as are of strong potency, in the shape of Pradhamana Nasya should be blown into the nostrils of the patient suffering from the effects of poisoning in the case where such symptoms as 
  • loss of consciousness, 
  • upturned eyes 
  • and drooping of the neck would set in. 
तास्वप्रसिच्यमानासु मूर्ध्नि शस्त्रेण शस्त्रवित् ||४४|| 
कुर्यात् काकपदाकारं व्रणमेवं स्रवन्ति ताः | 

  • The veins of his forehead and of the extremities should be instantly opened. 
  • When such opening of the veins would not be attended with (the desired) bleeding superficial incisions in the shape of cow's feet (Káka-pada) should be made by an experienced surgeon on the scalp of the patient. 

सरक्तं चर्म मांसं वा निक्षिपेच्चास्य मूर्धनि ||४५||चर्मवृक्षकषायं वा कल्कं वा कुशलो भिषक् | 
वादयेच्चागदैर्लिप्त्वा दुन्दुभींस्तस्य पार्श्वयोः ||४६|| 

  • These failing, the incisioned bits of flesh mixed with blood should be removed 
  • and the decoction or powders of a Charma-vriksha (Bhurja patra) should be applied to the incisions. 
  • Dundubhis (small drums) smeared with anti-venomous plasters should be sounded around the patient. 
लब्धसञ्ज्ञं पुनश्चैनमूर्ध्वं चाधश्च शोधयेत् | 

  • The patient thus restored to consciousness should be treated with both purgatives and emetics. 

निःशेषं निर्हरेच्चैवं विषं परमदुर्जयम् ||४७|| 
अल्पमप्यवशिष्टं हि भूयो वेगाय कल्पते | 
कुर्याद्वा सादवैवर्ण्यज्वरकासशिरोरुजः ||४८|| 
शोफशोषप्रतिश्यायतिमिरारुचिपीनसान् | 
  • A complete elimination of the poison from the system is a very difficult task but it is indespensably necessary, 
  • since the least remnant of the poison may again be aggravated in course of time 
  • and cause lassitude, discolouring of the complexion, fever, cough, headache, swelling, emaciation (Sosha), cataract, blindness, catarrh (Pratisyáya), aversion to food and nasal catarrh (Pinasa). 

तेषु चापि यथादोषं प्रतिकर्म प्रयोजयेत् ||४९|| 
विषार्तोपद्रवांश्चापि यथास्वं समुपाचरेत् |५०| 

  • These diseases and any other supervening symptoms of poisoning should be treated according to the injunctions laid down under their specific heads with a careful consideration of the Dosha or Doshas involved in each case. 

अथारिष्टां विमुच्याशु प्रच्छयित्वाऽङ्कितं तया ||५०|| 
दह्यात्तत्र विषं स्कन्नं भूयो वेगाय कल्पते |५१| 

  • The ligature should then be removed, 
  • the seat of the bite incisioned 
  • and an Agada plaster should be applied there, so in as much as the poison is found to be lodged in a condensed form (in the puncture of the fangs) and is likely to be afterwards aggravated (if not fully eliminated). 

Remedy For Aggravated Doshas Due To Poison

एवमौषधिभिर्मन्त्रैः क्रियायोगैश्च यत्नतः ||५१|| 
विषे हृतगुणे देहाद्यदा दोषः प्रकुप्यति | 
If the Váyu of the body be found to be in an aggravated condition, 

  • even after a careful elimination of the poison from the system with the help of suitable Mantras, measures and medicinal remedies, 

तदा पवनमुद्वृत्तं स्नेहाद्यैः समुपाचरेत् ||५२|| 

तैलमत्स्यकुलत्थाम्लवर्ज्यैर्विषहरायुतैः | 

it should be pacified and restored to its normal con-diiton with any 

  • Vayu-pacifying Sneha, etc., other than oil. 
  • The use of fish, Kulattha-soup and acid articles (fermented rice-gruel, etc.) is forbidden. 

पित्तज्वरहरैः पित्तं कषायस्नेहबस्तिभिः ||५३|| 

The aggravated Pitta in such a case should be remedied 

  • with the application of a Sncha-Vasti 
  • and with the decoction of drugs prescribed in cases of Pittaja fever, 

कफमारग्वधाद्येन सक्षौद्रेण गणेन तु | 

श्लेष्मघ्नैरगदैश्चैव तिक्तै रूक्षैश्च भोजनैः ||५४|| 

while the deranged Kapha should be corrected 

  • with Kapha-subduing remedies 
  • or with (the decoction of) the drugs of the Aragvadhádi Gana mixed with honey, 
  • or with a diet consisting of bitter and parching (Ruksha) articles of food. 

वृक्षप्रपातविषमपतितं मृतमम्भसि | 
उद्बद्धं च मृतं सद्यश्चिकित्सेन्नष्टसञ्ज्ञवत् ||५५|| 

  • A person found to be unconscious from the effects of a fall from an uneven ground 
  • or from the top of a tree or precipice 
  • as well as a drowned man rescued unconscious, 
  • or one in a state of suspended animation owing to strangulation 
should be treated 

  • according to the injunctions and with remedies laid down in connection with the treatment of persons who have become unconscious from the effects of poisoning (mentioned in the present chapter). 

गाढं बद्धेऽरिष्टया प्रच्छिते वा तीक्ष्णैर्लेपैस्तद्विधैर्वाऽवशिष्टैः | 

शूने गात्रे क्लिन्नमत्यर्थपूति ज्ञेयं मांसं तद्विषात् पूति कष्टम् ||५६|| 
  • If a deep seated incision (Prachchhita) in, or an extremely tight fastening (Arishta, around the seat of the bite, 
  • or an application of extremely irritant plasters or 
  • any such other application thereon gives rise to

  1.  a local swelling which emits a bad smell and slimy matter 

  • it should be inferred from these that the inherent poison in such a case has putrefied the flesh of the affected part which can be made amenable to medicine only with the greatest difficulty. 

Sypmtoms of wounds from poisoned darts, etc:

  • सद्यो विद्धं निस्रवेत् कृष्णरक्तं पाकं यायाद्दह्यते चाप्यभीक्ष्णम् | 
    कृष्णीभूतं क्लिन्नमत्यर्थपूति शीर्णं मांसं यात्यजस्रं क्षताच्च ||५७|| 
    तृष्णा मूर्च्छा भ्रान्तिदाहौ ज्वरश्च यस्य स्युस्तं दिग्धविद्धं व्यवस्येत् |५८| 

  • The poisonous character of a dart or of an arrow with which a person has been pierced (Digdha-viddha) should be inferred from the following symptoms, viz., 

  1. flow of black-coloured blood from an immediately inflicted wound, 
  2. suppuration, 
  3. a constant burning sensation (in the incidental ulcer) 
  4. and sloughing of black coloured, putrefied and morbid flesh mixed with a mucopurulent discharge from the wound, 
  5. thirst, 
  6. vertigo, 
  7. epileptic fits, 
  8. a burning sensation in the body 
  9. and fever.

Treatment Of A Poisoned Wound-

पूर्वोद्दिष्टं लक्षणं सर्वमेतज्जुष्टं यस्यालं विषेण व्रणाः स्युः ||५८|| लूतादष्टा दिग्धविद्धा विषैर्वा जुष्टा प्रायस्ते व्रणाः पूतिमांसाः |५९| 

  • In a case where all the above symptoms of poisoning are present 
  • whether in a case of snake-bite or of a bite by a spider (Lutá), 
  • or in a case of being pierced with a venomed arrow, 
  • or in a case of poisoning of any kind, 
  • where putrefaction has set in, 

तेषां युक्त्या पूतिमांसान्यपोह्य वार्योकोभिः शोणितं चापहृत्य ||५९|| 
हृत्वा दोषान् क्षिप्रमूर्ध्वं त्वधश्च सम्यक् सिञ्चेत् क्षीरिणां त्वक्कषायैः | 

अन्तर्वस्त्रं दापयेच्च प्रदेहान् शीतैर्द्रव्यैराज्ययुक्तैर्विषघ्नैः ||६०|| 

-the putrid flesh of the incidental ulcer should be judiciously removed -
and the vitiated blood of the locality should be speedily extracted by applying leeches thereto. 
  • The system of the patient should then be cleansed with purgatives and emetics 
  • and the affected part of his body should be profusely sprayed or washed with the decoction (of the bark) of a Kshiri-Vriksha 
  • A poultice prepared with the anti venomous drugs of cool potency mixed with clarified butter (washed a hundred times and) placed inside the folds of linen should also be applied. 
भिन्ने त्वस्थ्ना दुष्टजातेन कार्यः पूर्वो मार्गः पैत्तिके यो विषे च |६१| 

  • In the event of its being caused by the insertion or introduction of a bone * of any animal, the bone of which is poisonous in itself, the measures and remedies laid down above as well as those prescribed under the treatment of the "Pitta-poisoning" should be adopted and used

* Dallana holds that by the word "bone" in the text should be understood all the different sources of poison, viz., feces, urine, nail, tooth, bristle, etc., of an animal.


Recipe Of Different Agadas: 

- Mahágada-

त्रिवृद्विशल्ये मधुकं हरिद्रे रक्ता नरेन्द्रो लवणश्च वर्गः ||६१|| 
कटुत्रिकं चैव सुचूर्णितानि शृङ्गे निदध्यान्मधुसंयुतानि | 

  • The powders of Trivrit, -
  • Vis'alyá,
  •  Yashti-madhu, 
  • the two kinds of Haridrá, 
  • Raktá (Manjishthá), 
  • Natendra (Aragvadha), 
  • the five kinds of officinal salt 
  • and Tri-katu, 
  • pasted with honey, 
             should he placed inside a horn. 
एषोऽगदो हन्ति विषं प्रयुक्तः पानाञ्जनाभ्यञ्जननस्ययोगैः ||६२|| 

अवार्यवीर्यो विषवेगहन्ता महागदो नाम महाप्रभावः |६३| 
  • This Agada or anti-poisonous compound used as snuff (Nasya), collyrium and anointment acts as a good neutraliser of poison. 
  • It is irresistible in its potency 
  • and is of mighty efficacy. 

  • It is called the Mahágada. 

Ajitágada: -

विडङ्गपाठत्रिफलाजमोदाहिङ्गूनि वक्रं त्रिकटूनि चैव ||६३|| 
सर्वश्च वर्गो लवणः सुसूक्ष्मः सचित्रकः क्षौद्रयुतो निधेयः | 
शृङ्गे गवां शृङ्गमयेन चैव प्रच्छादितः पक्षमुपेक्षितश्च ||६४|| 

  • A compound made of powdered Vidanga, 
  • Páthá, 
  • Tri-phalá, 
  • Ajamoda, 
  • Hingu, 
  • Chakra (Tagara), 
  • Tri-katu, 
  • the five kinds of officinal salt 
  • and Chitraka, 
  • pasted with honey, 
  • should be kept for a fortnight inside a cow's horn 
  • covered with a lid of the same material. 
एषोऽगदः स्थावरजङ्गमानां जेता विषाणामजितो हि नाम्ना |६५| 

  • This anti-venomous compound (Agada) is known as the Ajitágada 
  • and is efficacious in cases of both vegetable and animal poisoning. 


प्रपौण्डरीकं सुरदारु मुस्ता कालानुसार्या कटुरोहिणी च ||६५|| 
स्थौणेयकध्यामकगुग्गुलूनि पुन्नागतालीशसुवर्चिकाश्च | 

कुटन्नटैलासितसिन्धुवाराः शैलेयकुष्ठे तगरं प्रियङ्गुः ||६६|| 
रोध्रं जलं काञ्चनगैरिकं च समागधं चन्दनसैन्धवं च | 
सूक्ष्माणि चूर्णानि समानि कृत्वा शृङ्गे निदध्यान्मधुसंयुतानि ||६७|| 

A compound made of the fine powders of 

  • Prapaundarika, 
  • Deva-dáru, 
  • Mustá, 
  • Kálá-nusáryá, 
  • Katu-rohini, 
  • Sthauneyaka, 
  • Dhyámaka, 
  • Pad-maka, 
  • Punnága, 
  • Táils'a, 
  • Suvarchiká, 
  • Kutannata, 
  • Ela, 
  • white Sindhu-vára, 
  • -S'aileya, 
  • -Kushtha, 
  • Tagara, 
  • Priyangu, 
  • Lodhra,
  • -Jala (Bálaka), 
  • -Svarna-Gairika, 
  • Mágadha, (red) 
  • Chandana and
  • Saindhava salt, 

  • taken in equal parts and pasted with honey, 
  • should be kept inside a horn.
एषोऽगदस्तार्क्ष्य इति प्रदिष्टो विषं निहन्यादपि तक्षकस्य |६८| 

  • -This Agada is called the Tárkshyágada 
  • and is capable of neutralising the effects even of the poison of a Takshaka. 


मांसीहरेणुत्रिफलामुरङ्गीरक्तालतायष्टिकपद्मकानि ||६८|| 
विडङ्गतालीशसुगन्धिकैलात्वक्कुष्ठपत्राणि सचन्दनानि | 

भार्गी पटोलं किणिही सपाठा मृगादनी कर्कटिका पुरश्च ||६९|| 
पालिन्द्यशोकौ क्रमुकं सुरस्याः प्रसूनमारुष्करजं च पुष्पम् | 
सूक्ष्मानि चूर्णानि समानि शृङ्गे न्यसेत् सपित्तानि समाक्षिकाणि ||७०|| 

वराहगोधाशिखिशल्लकीनां मार्जारजं पार्षतनाकुले च | 

  • A compound made of the powders of Mánsi, Triphalá, Murangl, Manjishthá, Yashti-madhu, Padmaka, Vidanga, Tális'a, Sugandhiká, Eld, Tvak, Kushtha, Teja-patra, Chandana, Bhárgi, Patola, Kinihi (A pámárga), Páthá, Mrigádani, Karkatikâ, Fura (Guggulu), Pálindi, As'oka, Kramuka and flowers of Surasi and of Bhallátaka, 
  • well pasted with honey 
  • and with the bile of a boar (Varáha), Godhá, Peacock, Sallaka, cat, Prishata (deer) and of mungoose, 

  • should be preserved inside a horn. 
यस्यागदोऽयं सुकृतो गृहे स्यान्नाम्नर्षभो नाम नरर्षभस्य ||७१|| 
न तत्र सर्पाः कुत एव कीटास्त्यजन्ति वीर्याणि विषाणि चैव | 
एतेन भेर्यः पटहाश्च दिग्धा नानद्यमाना विषमाशु हन्युः ||७२|| 
दिग्धाः पताकाश्च निरीक्ष्य सद्यो विषाभिभूता ह्यविषा भवन्ति |७३| 
  • This anti-venomous medicine is called the Rishabhágada. 

  • Snakes never visit the house of the fortunate and mighty one wherein this well prepared remedy is preserved. 

  • Venomous insects dare not come within the precincts of such a mansion and even their poison loses its quickness and fatal character. 
  • The sound of trumpets and drums, smeared with this compound and blown upon and beaten, tend immediately to destroy the effects of poison. 

  • If a poisoned patient would only look at the banner plastered with this Agada the poison from his system would be thereby eliminated. 

Sanjivana Agada

लाक्षा हरेणुर्नलदं प्रियङ्गुः शिग्रुद्वयं यष्टिकपृथ्विकाश्च ||७३|| 
चूर्णीकृतोऽयं रजनीविमिश्रो सर्पिर्मधुभ्यां सहितो निधेयः | 
शृङ्गे गवां पूर्ववदापिधानस्ततः 
  • A compound made of the powders of Lákshá, Harenu, Nalada, Priyangu, the two kinds of S'igru, Yashti-madhu, Prithviká (Elá) and Haridrá, 
  • pasted with honey and clarified butter, 

  • should be preserved inside a cow's horn and covered in the above manner. 

प्रयोज्योऽञ्जननस्यपानैः ||७४|| 
सञ्जीवनो नाम गतासुकल्पानेषोऽगदो जीवयतीह मर्त्यान् |७५| 

  • This anti venomous medicine is called the Sanjivana Agada and 
  • should be used as snuff, collyrium and drink.
  •  It is capable of restoring even a man apparently dead (by poisoning) to life, 

Darvi-Kara- Rájila-Vishahara-Agada

श्लेष्मातकीकट्फलमातुलुङ्ग्यः श्वेता गिरिह्वा किणिही सिता च ||७५|| 

सतण्डुलीयोऽगद एष मुख्यो विषेषु दर्वीकरराजिलानाम् |७६| 

  • An Agada consisting of the powders of S'leshmá-taka, Katphala, Mátulunga, S'vetá, Girihvá, Kinihi, sugar and Tanduliya should be regarded as the best remedy in cases of poisoning by Darvi kara or Rájila-bites. 

Mandli-Vishahara Agada

द्राक्षा सुगन्धा नगवृत्तिका च श्वेता समङ्गा समभागयुक्ता ||७६|| 
देयो द्विभागः सुरसाच्छदस्य कपित्थबिल्वादपि दाडिमाच्च | 

तथाऽर्धभागः सितसिन्धुवारादङ्कोठमूलादपि गैरिकाच्च ||७७|| 

  • One part each of Drákshá,Sugandhá, Naga-vrittiká * and Samangá (Varaha krántá), two parts each of the following drugs, viz., - leaves of Surasá, Vilva, Kapittha, and of Dáditna, and half a part each of the following, viz.: (leaves of) black Sindhuvára, Amkotha and Gairika, 

  • should be powdered together 
  • and mixed with honey. 

एषोऽगदः क्षौद्रयुतो निहन्ति विशेषतो मण्डलिनां विषाणि |७८| 
  • This anti-venomous medicine (Agada) is highly efficacious especially in the case of poisoning by a Mandali-bite. 
* Dallana says that in place of "Sugandhá Naga-vrittika" some read "Sugandhá Naga-mrittika" which means "the sweet-scented earth of the mountain" known to be possessed of anti-poisonous virtues.

Vamsa-Tvagádi Agada

वंशत्वगार्द्राऽऽमलकं कपित्थं कटुत्रिकं हैमवती सकुष्ठा ||७८|| 
करञ्जबीजं तगरं शिरीषपुष्पं च गोपित्तयुतं 
  • An Agada should be prepared with the scrapings of green bamboo (Vams'a-tvak), Amalaka, Kapittha, Tri-katu, Haimavati, Kushtha, Karanja-seeds, Tagara and S'irisha flowers, 
  • pasted with cow's bile. 

निहन्ति | 

विषाणि लूतोन्दुरपन्नगानां कैटं च लेपाञ्जननस्यपानैः ||७९|| 
पुरीषमूत्रानिलगर्भसङ्गान्निहन्ति वर्त्यञ्जननाभिलेपैः | 

काचार्मकोथान् पटलांश्च घोरान् पुष्पं च हन्त्यञ्जननस्ययोगैः ||८०|| 

  • Used as a plaster, snuff or collyrium,-
  •  it destroys the poison of a spider, mouse, serpent or any other (poisonous) insect. 
  • Used as a collyrium (over the eye-lids), -
  • as a plaster over the umbilical region, 
  • or as a Varti (plug), 

  • it removes the obstruction of stool, urine and Váyu (flatus, etc), or of a foetus in the womb. 
  • Used as a snuff or a collyrium, 
  • its curative potency is manifest even in such dangerous eye-diseases as Kacha, Arman, Kotha, Patala and Pushpa. 

Pancha-Sirisha Agada

समूलपुष्पाङ्कुरवल्कबीजात् क्वाथः शिरीषात् त्रिकटुप्रगाढः | 

सलावणः क्षौद्रयुतोऽथ पीतो विशेषतः कीटविषं निहन्ति ||८१|| 
  • A potion consisting of a decoction of the roots, flowers, bark, seeds and sprouts of a S'irisha tree, taken with honey, the five officinal kinds of salt and a profuse quantity of powdered Tri-k-atu, 
  • proves speedily efficacious in a case of poisoning by an insect-bite. 

Sarva-KáMika Agada

कुष्ठं त्रिकटुकं दार्वी मधुकं लवणद्वयम् | 
मालती नागपुष्पं च सर्वाणि मधुराणि च ||८२|| 
कपित्थरसपिष्टोऽयं शर्कराक्षौद्रसंयुतः | 

  • An Agada prepared with Kushtha, Tri-katu, Dárvi, Maáhuka (flower), the two kinds of salt (Saindhava and Sauvarchala), Málati (flower), Nága pushpa and all the drugs of the Madhura (Kákolyádi) group
  •  and pasted with the juice of Kapittha and
  •  mixed with honey and sugar

विषं हन्त्यगदः सर्वं मूषिकाणां विशेषतः ||८३|| 
  • destroys all sorts of poison specially that of a mouse (Mushika). 
  • -

Ekasara Agada

सोमराजीफलं पुष्पं कटभी सिन्धुवारकः | 
    चोरको वरुणः कुष्ठं सर्पगन्धा ससप्तला ||८४|| 
      पुनर्नवा शिरीषस्य पुष्पमारग्वधार्कजम् | 
        श्यामाऽम्बष्ठा विडङ्गानि तथाऽम्राश्मन्तकानि च ||८५|| 
          भूमी कुरबकश्चैव गण एकसरः स्मृतः | 
            एकशो द्वित्रिशो वाऽपि प्रयोक्तव्यो विषापहः ||८६|| 

                • The following drugs viz., Somaráji seeds and Somaráji flowers * Katábhi, Sindhu-vára, Choraka, Varuna, Kushtha, Sarpa-gandha, Saptalá, Punarnavá, flowers of S'irisha, Aragvada and of Arka, S'yámá, Ambashthá, Vidanga, Amra, As'mantaka, black earth and Kuravaka comprise the Ekasara Agada.

                •  These should be applied singly or in combination of two or three to destroy the effects of poison. 

                * Some explain सोमरजिफलंपुष्पं to mean' somaraji , phala{madana}and pushpa (nagakesara)
                † Some explain एकशो द्विस्त्रिंशो वापि to mean that the Agada should be used "once, twice or thrice" according to the requirements in each case.

                इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां कल्पस्थाने सर्पदष्टविषचिकित्सितं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः ||५|| 

                Thus ends the fifth Chapter of the Kalpa-Sthána in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which deals with the medical treatment of snake-bites.