Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chapter II. Indications (Effects,Nature And Operations) Of Sthávara Vegetable And Mineral Poisons (Sthavara-Visha-VijnáNiyam)

Chapter II. 
Indications (Effects, Nature And Operations) Of  SthávaraVegetable And Mineral Poisons (Sthavara-Visha-Vijnániyam)

अथातः स्थावरविषविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१|| 
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२|| 

Sthávara-poison: its Source (M. T.) -

स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव द्विविधं विषमुच्यते | 

There are two kinds of poison viz.,
1.  that obtained from immobile things (Sthavara) 
2. and that obtained from mobile creatures (Jangama).

दशाधिष्ठानमाद्यं तु द्वितीयं षोडशाश्रयम् ||३||

  • The sources of the Sthávara (vegetable and mineral) poison are ten, 
  • while those of the Jangama (animal) poison are sixteen in number. 

  • The ten sources from which a Sthávara poison may be obtained are 

मूलं पत्रं फलं पुष्पं त्वक् क्षीरं सार एव च | 

निर्यासो धातवश्चैव कन्दश्च दशमः स्मृतः ||४|| 

  1. roots, 
  2. leaves, 
  3. fruits, 
  4. flowers, 
  5. bark, 
  6. milky exudations, 
  7. pith (Sára, 
  8. gum (Niryása) 
  9. bulb and 
  10. a mineral or metal (Dhâtu ). 

Names Of The Different Vegetable And Mineral Poisons



तत्र, क्लीतकाश्वमारगुञ्जासुगन्धगर्गरककरघाटविद्युच्छिखाविजयानीत्यष्टौ मूलविषाणि; 
  1. Klitaka, 
  2. As'va-mára, 
  3. Gunjâ, 
  4. Subandha *, 
  5. Gargaraka, 
  6. Karagháta, 
  7. Vidyuch-chhikhá and 
  8. Vijayâ 

  • are the eight root-poisons 
* Lambá, according to Gayi - D. R.


विषपत्रिकालम्बावरदारुकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पत्रविषाणि; 

  1. Visha-Patriká, 
  2. Lambá, 
  3. Avaradáruka,
  4.  Karambha and 
  5. Mahá-Karambha 

  • are the five leaf-poisons 


कुमुद्वतीवेणुकाकरम्भमहाकरम्भकर्कोटकरेणुकखद्योतकचर्मरीभगन्धासर्पघातिनन्दनसारपाकानीति द्वादश फलविषाणि; 
The fruits of 

  1. Kumudvati, 
  2. Renuká,
  3.  Karambha, 
  4. Mahá-Karambha, 
  5. Karkotaka, 
  6. Venuka, 
  7. Khadyotaka, 
  8. Charmari, 
  9. Ibha gandhá, 
  10. Sarpa-gháti, 
  11. Nandana and
  12.  Sára-páka, 

  • numbering twelve in all, are the twelve fruit-poisons. 


वेत्रकादम्बवल्लीजकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पुष्पविषाणि; 

The flowers of 

  1. Vetra, 
  2. Kadamba, 
  3. Vallija (Nárácha - D. R),
  4.  Karambha and 
  5. Mahákarambha 

  • are the five flower-poisons. 

E. Bark-poisons, pith-poisons and gum-poisons -7 

अन्त्रपाचककर्तरीयसौरीयककरघाटकरम्भनन्दननाराचकानि सप्त त्वक्सारनिर्यासविषाणि; 
The bark, pith and gum of 

  1. Antra-páchaka, 
  2. Kartariya, 
  3. Sauriyaka, 
  4. Kara-gháta, 
  5. Karambha, 
  6. Nandana and 
  7. Varátaka are the seven bark-poisons, pith-poisons and gum-poisons 


कुमुदघ्नीस्नुहीजालक्षीरीणि त्रीणि क्षीरविषाणि; 
The milky exudations of 
1. Kumudagkni, 
2. Snuhi and 
3. lála Kshiri are poisons and arc known as the three Kshira-Vishas, 


फेनाश्म(भस्म) हरितालं च द्वे धातुविषे; 
1. Phenásma-bhasma ( white arsenic )
2. and Haritála ( yellow orpiment ) are the two mineral poisons. 


कालकूटवत्सनाभसर्षपपालककर्दमकवैराटकमुस्तकशृङ्गीविषप्रपुण्डरीकमूलकहालाहलमहाविषकर्कटकानीति त्रयोदश कन्दविषाणि; 

  1. Kála-kuta, 
  2. Vatsa-nabha, 
  3. Sarshapaka, 
  4. Palaka, -
  5. Kardamaka, 
  6. Vairataka, 
  7. Mustaka, 
  8. S'ringi-visha, 
  9. Prapaundarika, 
  10. Mulaka, 
  11. Háláhala, 
  12. Mahá-visha and
  13.  Karkataka, 

  • numbering thirteen in all, arc the bulb-poisons 

इत्येवं पञ्चपञ्चाशत् स्थावरविषाणि भवन्ति ||५|| 

Thus the number of poisons obtained from the vegetable and mineral world (Sthávara) amount to fifty-five in all. 

Metrical Text

There are

चत्वारि वत्सनाभानि मुस्तके द्वे प्रकीर्तिते | 

षट् चैव सर्षपाण्याहुः शेषाण्येकैकमेव तु ||६|| 

  • four kinds of Vatsa-nábha poisons, 
  • two kinds of Mustaka 
  • and six kinds of Sarshapaka. 
  • The remaining ones have no different species. 

Effects Of Poison On The Human Organism

Root-poisons or poisonous roots

उद्वेष्टनं मूलविषैः प्रलापो मोह एव च | 

  • a twisting pain in the limbs, 
  • delirium 
  • and loss of consciousness. 

A leaf-poison or poisonous leaf 

जृम्भाङ्गोद्वेष्टनश्वासा ज्ञेयाः पत्रविषेण तु ||७|| 

gives rise to 
  • yawning, 
  • difficult breathing and 
  • a twisting pain in the limbs. 

A fruit poison

 मुष्कशोफः फलविषैर्दाहोऽन्नद्वेष एव च | 
is attended with 
  • a swelling of the scrotum, 
  • a burning sensation in the body and
  •  an aversion to food. 

A flower-poison 

भवेत् पुष्पविषैश्छर्दिराध्मानं मोह एव च ||८|| 

-gives rise to 
  • vomiting, 
  • distensions of the abdomen and 
  • loss of consciousness. 

A bark-poison, or pith-poison, or gum-poison

त्वक्सारनिर्यासविषैरुपयुक्तैर्भवन्ति हि| 
आस्यदौर्गन्ध्यपारुष्यशिरोरुक्कफसंस्रवाः ||९|| 

- is marked by 
  • a fetour in the mouth, 
  • roughness of the body, 
  • headache and 
  • a secretion of Kapha (mucus from the mouth). 

The effects of the poisonous milky exudations (of a tree, plant or creeper) 

फेनागमः क्षीरविषैर्विड्भेदो गुरुजिह्वता | 
  • are foaming from the mouth,
  •  loose stools (diarrhoea) and 
  • a curvature (drawing back) of the tongue, 

whereas a mineral poison

 हृत्पीडनं धातुविषैर्मूर्च्छा दाहश्च तालुनि ||१०|| 

gives rise to 

  • pain in the heart, 
  • fainting and 
  • a burning sensation in the region of the palate. 

प्रायेण कालघातीनि विषाण्येतानि निर्दिशेत् |११

  • All these are slow poisons proving fatal only after a considerable length of time. 

Effects Of Bulb-Poisons

Now we shall describe in full the respective effects of the bulb-poisons which are very strong (Tikshna) in their actions 

कन्दजानि तु तीक्ष्णानि तेषां वक्ष्यामि विस्तरम् ||११|| 

स्पर्शाज्ञानं कालकूटे वेपथुः स्तम्भ एव च | 
ग्रीवास्तम्भो वत्सनाभे पीतविण्मूत्रनेत्रता ||१२|| 

The bulb-poison known as the Kalakuta produces

  •  complete anesthesia, 
  • shivering and
  •  numbness. 
  • Paralysis of the neck and-
  •  yellowness of the stool, urine and of the eye-balls 
are the symptoms produced in a case of Vatsanábha-poisoning. 


सर्षपे वातवैगुण्यमानाहो ग्रन्थिजन्म च | 

1. Retention of stool and urine (Anáha), 
2. disorders of the palate and 
3. the appearance of glands 
               are the effects of a case of Sarshapa poisoning.
-Palaka poisoning

ग्रीवादौर्बल्यवाक्सङ्गौ पालकेऽनुमताविह ||१३|| 

1. Loss of speech and 
2.weakness of the neck 
            arc the symptoms in a case of Palaka poisoning. -


प्रसेकः कर्दमाख्येन विड्भेदो नेत्रपीतता | 

1. Water-brash loose stools (diarrhoea) and 
2. a yellowness of the eyes mark a case of Kardamaka poisoning.


वैराटकेनाङ्गदुःखं शिरोरोगश्च जायते ||१४|| 

1.  Pain in the limbs and 
2. diseases of the head arc produced in a case of Vairataka-poisoning. 


गात्रस्तम्भो वेपथुश्च जायते मुस्तकेन तु | 

1. Shivering and
2.  a numbness of the limbs are the effects of a case of Mustaka-poisoning. 


शृङ्गीविषेणाङ्गसाददाहोदरविवृद्धयः ||१५|| 

1. Lassitude, 
2. a burning sensation in the body and 
3. an enlargement of the abdomen mark a case of S'ringi-visha-poisoning. 


पुण्डरीकेण रक्तत्वमक्ष्णोर्वृद्धिस्तथोदरे | 

1. An enlargement of the abdomen 
2. and redness of the eyes are the symptoms of Pundarika-poisoning. 


वैवर्ण्यं मूलकैश्छर्दिर्हिक्काशोफप्रमूढताः ||१६|| 

1. A discolouring of the complexion, 
2. vomiting 
3. hic-cough, 
4. swelling and 
5. a loss of cousciousness are the effects of the Mulaka-poison. -


चिरेणोच्छ्वसिति श्यावो नरो हालाहलेन वै | 
1. Difficult breathing 
2. and a tawny brown colour of the skin mark a case of Hala-hala-poisoning. 


महाविषेण हृदये ग्रन्थिशूलोद्गमौ भृशम् ||१७|| 

1. Aneurysm (Granthi) on the region of the heart 
2. and a piercing pain in the same are the symptoms in a case of Maha'-visha-poisoning; 


कर्कटेनोत्पतत्यूर्ध्वं हसन् दन्तान् दशत्यपि |१८

while a case of Karkataka-poisoning is marked by 
1. laughing, 
2. gushing of the teeth 
3. and jumping up (without any cause). 

Specific Properties Of The Above-Named Bulb-Poisons

कन्दजान्युग्रवीर्याणि प्रत्युक्तानि त्रयोदश ||१८|| 

सर्वाणि कुशलैर्ज्ञेयान्येतानि दशभिर्गुणैः |१९| 

These thirteen kinds of bulbous poisons should be deemed as very strong * in their potency and they possess the following ten properties in common.

रूक्षमुष्णं तथा तीक्ष्णं सूक्ष्ममाशुव्यवायि च ||१९|| 
विकाशि विशदं चैव लघ्वपाकि च तत् स्मृतम् | 

  1. They arc parching (Ruksha) and 
  2. heat-making (Ushna in their potency. 
  3. They are sharp (Tikshna) and 
  4. subtle (Sukshma) i.e., have the power of penetrating into the minutest capillaries of the body and
  5.  are instantaneous (Asu) in their effects. 
  6. They first permeate the whole organism and become subsequently digested (Vyaváyi) and 
  7. disintegrate the root-principles of the body (Vikási) . -
  8. They are non-viscid (Vis'ada), 
  9. light in potency (Laghu) 
  10. and indigestible (Apáki). 

* The text has "Ugra-viryani" (strong in potency). Gayi reads "Agra-Viryani" (of great poteney).

तद्रौक्ष्यात् कोपयेद्वायुमौष्ण्यात् पित्तं सशोणितम् ||२०|| 
  • A poison aggravates the bodily Váyu in virtue of its parching quality 
  • and vitiates the blood and the Pitta through its heat-generating property. 

मतिं च मोहयेत्तैक्ष्ण्यान्मर्मबन्धान् छिनत्ति च | शरीरावयवान् सौक्ष्म्यात् प्रविशेद्विकरोति च ||२१|| 

  • It overwhelms the mind (produces unconsciousness) 
  • and tends to disintegrate the limbs and muscles in virtue of its sharpness 
  • and penetrates into and deranges the minutest capillaries owing to its extreme subtile essence. 

आशुत्वादाशु तद्धन्ति व्यवायात् प्रकृतिं भजेत् | 
क्षपयेच्च विकाशित्वाद्दोषान्धातून्मलानपि ||२२|| 

  • It proves speedily fatal owing to its speedy activity and spreads through the entire organism which is the very nature of a drug) on account of its rapid permeating or expansive quality.
  •  It annihilates the root-principles (Dhátus) as well as the Doshas and the Malas (excreta) of the body through the power of disintregation, 
  • and does not adhere to any spot therein owing to its non-viscidness.

दुश्चिकित्स्यं च लाघवात् | 
दुर्हरं चाविपाकित्वात्तस्मात् क्लेशयते चिरम् ||२३|| 

  •  It baffles the efficacies of other drugs 
  • and thus becomes unremediable on account of the extreme lightness (of its potency), 
  • and it cannot be easily assimilated owing to its innate indigestibility. It thus proves troublesome for a long time. 

स्थावरं जङ्गमं यच्च कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम् | 
सद्यो व्यापादयेत्तत्तु ज्ञेयं दशगुणान्वितम् ||२४|| 
यत् स्थावरं जङ्गमकृत्रिमं वा 

देहादशेषं यदनिर्गतं तत् |२५| 

A poison of whatsoever sort, whether animal, vegetable, or chemical, which proves almost instantaneously fatal (within a day) should be regarded as possessed of all the ten aforesaid qualities. 

Definition Of Dushi-Visha (Weak And Slow Poison)

जीर्णं विषघ्नौषधिभिर्हतं वा दावाग्निवातातपशोषितं वा ||२५|| 

स्वभावतो वा गुणविप्रहीनं विषं हि दूषीविषतामुपैति | 
वीर्याल्पभावान्न निपातयेत्तत् कफावृतं वर्षगणानुबन्धि ||२६|| 

  • A poison whether animal, vegetable or chemical, not fully eliminated from the system and partially inherent therein, enfeebled, of course by anti-poisonous remedies is designated a Dushi-visha (weak and slow poison) 
  • which is even extended to those the keenness of potency whereof is enfeebled by the sun, the fire and the wind, 
  • as well as to those which are found to be naturally devoid of some of the ten aforesaid natural qualities of a poison. 

  • A Dushi visha, owing to its enfeebled or attenuated virtue and as a necessary consequence of its being covered over with the bodily Kapha, ceases to be fatal though retained in the system for a number of years. 

Symptoms Of Weak And Slow Poisoning

तेनार्दितो भिन्नपुरीषवर्णो विगन्धवैरस्यमुखः पिपासी | 
मूर्च्छन् वमन् गद्गदवाग्विषण्णो भवेच्च दुष्योदरलिङ्गजुष्टः ||२७|| 
  • A person afflicted with any sort of Dushi-Visha develops such symptoms as, 
  • looseness of stool (diarrhoea), 
  • a discoloured complexion, 
  • fetor in the body, 
  • bad taste in the mouth, 
  • thirst, 
  • epileptic fits, 
  • vomiting (D. R. - vertigo), 
  • lassitude, 
  • confused speech 
  • and all the symptoms of Dushyodara *

* See Chapter VII (Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)). para 10, Nidána-sthána.

 A Dushi -Visha lodged in the Amásaya (stomach) 

आमाशयस्थे कफवातरोगी

  • gives rise to diseases due to the combined action of the Váyu and Kapha; 

seated in the Pakvásaya (intestines)

  पक्वाशयस्थेऽनिलपित्तरोगी | 
  • it brings on diseases due to the deranged condition of the Váyu and Pitta and 
  • leads to the falling off of the hair.
  •  The patient becomes rapidly atrophied, 
  • and looks like a wingless bird. 

When it attacks the Rasa, etc. † of the system 

भवेन्नरो ध्वस्तशिरोरुहाङ्गो विलूनपक्षस्तु यथा विहङ्गः ||२८|| 
स्थितं रसादिष्वथवा यथोक्तान् करोति धातुप्रभवान् विकारान् | 
कोपं च शीतानिलदुर्दिनेषु यात्याशु पूर्वं शृणु तत्र रूपम् ||२९|| 

  • it produces the diseases * peculiar to the root or vital principles of the body. 
  • Its action on the body becomes aggravated on a cloudy day and by exposure to cold and wind. 

† These are the seven fundamental principles of the body.

* See Chapter xxvii (Modes Of Extracting Splinters (Shalyapaniya-Madhyayam)), Sutra Sthana.

Premonitory Symptoms Of Dushi- Visha Poisoning

Now hear me first describe the premonitory symptoms (of its aggravation). They are as follow: -

निद्रा गुरुत्वं च विजृम्भणं च विश्लेषहर्षावथवाऽङ्गमर्दः |३०| 

  •  Sleepiness, 
  • heaviness (of the limbs), 
  • yawning, 
  • a sense of looseness (in the joints),
  • horripilation and 
  • aching of the limbs. 
These are followed by 

ततः करोत्यन्नमदाविपाकावरोचकं मण्डलकोठमोहान् ||३०|| 
धातुक्षयं पादकरास्यशोफं दकोदरं छर्दिमथातिसारम् | 
वैवर्ण्यमूर्च्छाविषमज्वरान् वा कुर्यात् प्रवृद्धां प्रबलां तृषां वा ||३१|| 
उन्मादमन्यज्जनयेत्तथाऽन्यदानाहमन्यत् क्षपयेच्च शुक्रम् | 

गाद्गद्यमन्यज्जनयेच्च कुष्ठं तांस्तान् विकाराश्चं बहुप्रकारान् ||३२|| 

  • a sense of intoxication after meals, 
  • indigestion, 
  • disrelish for food, 
  • eruptions of circular patches (Man-dala) on the skin, 
  • urticaria (Kotha), 
  • fainting fits,
  •  loss of the vital principles of the organism (D. R - loss of flesh) 
  • swelling of the face and the extremities (D.R. - Atrophy of the hands and legs), 
  • ascites (Dakodara), 
  • vomiting, 
  • epileptic fits, 
  • Vishama-jvara, 
  • high-fever and 
  • an un-quenchchable thirst.

  •  Moreover, some of these poisons produce insanity. 
  • Some of them are characterised by an obstinate constipation of the bowels (Anáha), 
  • others, by an involuntary emission of semen 
  • while a few others produce confused speech, Kushtha (leprosy), or some other similar disease.

Derivative Meaning Of " Dushi- Visha "'

दूषितं देशकालान्नदिवास्वप्नैरभीक्ष्णशः | 

यस्माद्दूषयते धातून् तस्माद्दूषीविषं स्मृतम् ||३३|| 

A constant use of some particular time, † place and diet as well as constant and regular day-sleep tends (slowly) to poison the fundamental root-principles (Dhátus) of the body and this (slow) poison is consequently known as the Dushi-Visha. 

† By " the particular time" is meant a cloudy and windy day as well as the rainy season. By "the particular place" is meant a marshy country, and by "the particular diet" is meant wine, sesamum, Kulaltha-pulse, etc. as well as physical exercise, sexual intercourse, fits of anger, etc.

Symptoms Of The Different Stages Of Sthávara Poisoning

1. In the first stage of a case of poisoning by a Sthávara (vegetable or mineral) poison,

स्थावरस्योपयुक्तस्य वेगे तु प्रथमे नृणाम् | 
श्यावा जिह्वा भवेत्स्तब्धा मूर्च्छा श्वासश्च जायते ||३४|| 
  • the tongue becomes dark brown and numbed, 
  • and epileptic fits and hard breathing follow in its wake. 

2. second stage 

द्वितीये वेपथुः सादो दाहः कण्ठरुजस्तथा | 
विषमामाशयप्राप्तं कुरुते हृदि वेदनाम् ||३५|| 

The second stage is marked by such symptoms as
  •  shivering, 
  • perspiration, 
  • burning sensation,
  •  itching and pain in the body; 

when seated in the Amásaya (stomach)
  •  it causes pain in the region of the heart, 

The third stage 

तालुशोषं तृतीये तु शूलं चामाशये भृशम् | 
दुर्वर्णे हरिते शूने जायेते चास्य लोचने ||३६|| 
पक्वामाशययोस्तोदो हिक्का कासोऽन्त्रकूजनम् | 
is marked by 
  • a dryness of the palate 
  • and severe (colic) pain in the stomach. 
  • The eyes become discoloured, yellow-tinted aud swollen. 

When seated in the Pakvás'aya (intestines) 
  • it produces hic-cough, cough, and a sort of pricking pain and 
  • rumbling sound in the Antra (intestines). 

The fourth stage 

चतुर्थे जायते वेगे शिरसश्चातिगौरवम् ||३७|| 

  • is marked by an extreme heaviness of the head, 

The fifth stage

कफप्रसेको वैवर्ण्यं पर्वभेदश्च पञ्चमे | 
सर्वदोषप्रकोपश्च पक्वाधाने च वेदना ||३८|| 
  •  is marked by salivation, 
  • discolouring of the body 
  • and a breaking pain in the joints.
  •  It is marked also by the aggravation of all the Doshas
  •  and pain in the Pakvádhána (intestines?). 

The sixth stage

षष्ठे प्रज्ञाप्रणाशश्च भृशं चाप्यतिसार्यते | 
  •  is characterised by loss of consciousness 
  • or excessive diarrhoea; 

The seventh stage 

स्कन्धपृष्ठकटीभङ्गः सन्निरोधश्च सप्तमे ||३९||
  • is marked by a breaking pain in the back, the shoulders and the waist 
  • and a complete stoppage (of respiration) *. 
* The seven stages of the poisoning are due to the poisoning of the seven fundamantal root-principles (Dhátus) of the body in succession.

Treatment: -

 A. In the first stage 

प्रथमे विषवेगे तु वान्तं शीताम्बुसेचितम् | 
अगदं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां पाययेत समायुतम् ||४०|| 

  • the patient should be made to vomit 
  • and to drink cold water after that. 
  • Then an Agada (Anti-poisonous remedy) mixed with honey and clarified butter should be given him. 

B. In the second stage,

द्वितीये पूर्ववद्वान्तं पाययेत्तु विरेचनम् | 
  •  the patient should be first made to vomit as in the preceding stage 
  • and then a purgative should be given him. 

 C. In the third stage

तृतीयेऽगदपानं तु हितं नस्यं तथाऽञ्जनम् ||४१|| 
  • Anti-poisonous potions,
  •  medicated snuffs (Nasya) and Anjanas possessed of similar virtues are beneficial. 

D. In the fourth stage

चतुर्थे स्नेहसम्मिश्रं पाययेतागदं भिषक् | 
  • An anti-poisonous potion through the vehicle of a Sneha (clarified butter) is efficacious . 

E. In the fifth stage

 पञ्चमे क्षौद्रमधुकक्वाथयुक्तं प्रदापयेत् ||४२|| 
  • the patient should be given an antipoison-ous medicine with the decoction of Yashti-madhu and honey. 

F. In the sixth stage 

षष्ठेऽतीसारवत् सिद्धिरवपीडश्च 
  • the treatment should be as in a case of diarrhoea (Atisára) and 
  • the use of a medicated snuff in the form of an Avapida is recommended. 

G. In the seventh stage

सप्तमे | 

मूर्ध्नि काकपदं कृत्वा सासृग्वा पिशितं क्षिपेत् ||४३|| 
  • The latter remedy (Avapida-Nasya) should be applied  as well 
  • and the scalp after being shaved in the shape of a Káka-pada * (crow's claw) should also be incised with a small incision. 
  • The incised flesh and the (vitiated) blood should also be removed. 
* The particular form of shaving the hair, in which the part of the scalp from and above the forehead only is shaved is technically called a Káka-pada.

† The particle "va" means that the measures laid down in respect of the treatment of a Jangama poison viz. beating the patient on the head, forehead, etc. should also be resorted to.

Koshátakyádi Yavagu

वेगान्तरे त्वन्यतमे कृते कर्मणि शीतलाम् | 
यवागूं सघृतक्षौद्रामिमां दद्याद्विषापहाम् ||४४|| 
कोषातक्योऽग्निकः पाठासूर्यवल्ल्यमृताभयाः | 
शिरीषः किणिही शेलुर्गिर्याह्वा रजनीद्वयम् ||४५|| 
पुनर्नवे हरेणुश्च त्रिकटुः सारिवे बला | 

एषां यवागूर्निष्क्वाथे कृता हन्ति विषद्वयम् ||४६|| 

After adopting the respective measures enjoined in respect of the several stages of poisoning, the patient should, in the interval of any two stages be made to drink in a cold state a gruel (Yavágu) prepared with the decoctions of

  •  Koshátaki (Ghoshá), 
  • Agnika (Ajamodá), 
  • Páthá, 
  • Surya valli, 
  • Amritá 
  • Abhayá.
  • S'irisha, 
  • Kinihi,
  •  Selu, 
  • Giryáhvá, (white Aparájitá), 
  • the two kinds of Rajani, 
  • the two kinds of Punarnavá, 
  • Harenu, 
  • Trikatu, 
  • Sárivá, 
  • and Balá (D.R. Sárivá and Utpala) 
  • mixed with honey and clarified butter. 
This is beneficial in both the cases of (animal and vegetable) poisoning. 


मधुकं तगरं कुष्ठं भद्रदारु हरेणवः | 
पुन्नागैलैलवालूनि नागपुष्पोत्पलं सिता ||४७|| 
विडङ्गं चन्दनं पत्रं प्रियङ्गुर्ध्यामकं तथा | 
हरिद्रे द्वे बृहत्यौ च सारिवे च स्थिरा सहा ||४८|| 
कल्कैरेषां घृतं सिद्धमजेयमिति विश्रुतम् | 

विषाणि हन्ति सर्वाणि शीघ्रमेवाजितं क्वचित् ||४९|| 

  • Clarified butter should be duly cooked with an adequate quantity of water 
  • and the Kalka of Yashti-madhu, Tagara, Kushtha, Bhadra-dáru, Harenu, Punnága, Eld, Ela-váluka, Nágakes am, Utpala, sugar, Vidanga, Chandana, Patra, Priyangu, Dhyá-maka, the two kinds Haridrá, the two kinds of Vrihati, the two kinds of Sárivá, Sthirá (Sála-parni) and Sahá (Prisni-parni).

 It is called the Ajeya Ghrita. 
  • It speedily destroys all kinds of poison in the system 
  • and is infallible in its efficacy. 


दूषीविषार्तं सुस्विन्नमूर्ध्वं चाधश्च शोधितम् | 
पाययेतागदं नित्यमिमं दूषीविषापहम् ||५०|| 
A patient afflicted with the effects of Dushi-Visha inherent in the system should be 

  • first fomented and cleansed by both emetics and purgatives. 
  • The following anti-poisonous Agada (medicine) should then be taken daily. 
The recipe of this Agada is as follows: 

पिप्पल्यो ध्यामकं मांसी शावरः परिपेलवम् | 
सुवर्चिका ससूक्ष्मैला तोयं कनकगैरिकम् ||५१|| 
क्षौद्रयुक्तोऽगदो ह्येष दूषीविषमपोहति | 

नाम्ना दूषीविषारिस्तु न चान्यत्रापि वार्यते ||५२|| 

  • - Pippali, Dhyámaka, Mámsi, Sávara (Lodhra), Paripelava *, Suvarchiká, small Ela, Toya (Bálaka) and Suvarna-Gairika should be taken with honey. 

  • It destroys, when taken, the Dushi-Visha (slow chemical poisoning) in the system. 
  • It is called the Vishári-Agada and
  •  its efficacy extends also to cases of all other kinds of poisoning.
* "Paripelava" means either "Dhanyaka" or "Kaivartta-Mustaka".

Treatment Of The Supervening Symptoms Of Poisoning

ज्वरे दाहे च हिक्कायामानाहे शुक्रसङ्क्षये | 
शोफेऽतिसारे मूर्च्छायां हृद्रोगे जठरेऽपि च ||५३|| 
उन्मादे वेपथौ चैव ये चान्ये स्युरुपद्रवाः | 

यथास्वं तेषु कुर्वीत विषघ्नैरौषधैः क्रियाम् ||५४|| 

Cases of 

  • fever,
  •  burning sensation in the body,
  •  hic-cough, 
  • constipation of the bowels, 
  • loss of semen, 
  • swelling, 
  • diarrhoea, 
  • epileptic fits, 
  • heart-disease, 
  • ascites, 
  • insanity, 
  • shivering, 
  • and such other supervening symptoms (consequent on the effects of a Dushi-Visha inherent in the system) should be treated with remedies laid down under the respective heads of the aforesaid diseases in accompaniment with (suitable) anti-poisonous medicines. 

Prognosis: - 

साध्यमात्मवतः सद्यो याप्यं संवत्सरोत्थितम् | 
दूषीविषमसाध्यं तु क्षीणस्याहितसेविनः ||५५|| 

  • A case of Dushi-Visha poisoning in a prudent and judicious person, and of recent growth is easily cured, 
  • while palliation is the only relief that can be offered in a case of more than a year's standing.
  •  In an enfeebled and intemperate patient, it should be considered as incurable. 

इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां कल्पस्थाने स्थावरविषविज्ञानीयो नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ||२|| 

Thus ends the sceond Chapter of the Kalpa Sthána in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the Sthávara and jangama poisons.

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