Chapter II.
Indications (Effects, Nature And Operations) Of SthávaraVegetable And Mineral Poisons (Sthavara-Visha-Vijnániyam)
अथातः स्थावरविषविज्ञानीयमध्यायं व्याख्यास्यामः ||१||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||
यथोवाच भगवान् धन्वन्तरिः ||२||
Sthávara-poison: its Source (M. T.) -
स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव द्विविधं विषमुच्यते |
स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव द्विविधं विषमुच्यते |
There are two kinds of poison viz.,
1. that obtained from immobile things (Sthavara)
2. and that obtained from mobile creatures (Jangama).
दशाधिष्ठानमाद्यं तु द्वितीयं षोडशाश्रयम् ||३||
- The sources of the Sthávara (vegetable and mineral) poison are ten,
- while those of the Jangama (animal) poison are sixteen in number.
- The ten sources from which a Sthávara poison may be obtained are
मूलं पत्रं फलं पुष्पं त्वक् क्षीरं सार एव च |
निर्यासो धातवश्चैव कन्दश्च दशमः स्मृतः ||४||
- roots,
- leaves,
- fruits,
- flowers,
- bark,
- milky exudations,
- pith (Sára,
- gum (Niryása)
- bulb and
- a mineral or metal (Dhâtu ).
Names Of The Different Vegetable And Mineral Poisons
तत्र, क्लीतकाश्वमारगुञ्जासुगन्धगर्गरककरघाटविद्युच्छिखाविजयानीत्यष्टौ मूलविषाणि;
- Klitaka,
- As'va-mára,
- Gunjâ,
- Subandha *,
- Gargaraka,
- Karagháta,
- Vidyuch-chhikhá and
- Vijayâ
- are the eight root-poisons
* Lambá, according to Gayi - D. R.
विषपत्रिकालम्बावरदारुकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पत्रविषाणि;
विषपत्रिकालम्बावरदारुकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पत्रविषाणि;
- Visha-Patriká,
- Lambá,
- Avaradáruka,
- Karambha and
- Mahá-Karambha
- are the five leaf-poisons
कुमुद्वतीवेणुकाकरम्भमहाकरम्भकर्कोटकरेणुकखद्योतकचर्मरीभगन्धासर्पघातिनन्दनसारपाकानीति द्वादश फलविषाणि;
The fruits of
- Kumudvati,
- Renuká,
- Karambha,
- Mahá-Karambha,
- Karkotaka,
- Venuka,
- Khadyotaka,
- Charmari,
- Ibha gandhá,
- Sarpa-gháti,
- Nandana and
- Sára-páka,
- numbering twelve in all, are the twelve fruit-poisons.
वेत्रकादम्बवल्लीजकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पुष्पविषाणि;
वेत्रकादम्बवल्लीजकरम्भमहाकरम्भाणि पञ्च पुष्पविषाणि;
The flowers of
- Vetra,
- Kadamba,
- Vallija (Nárácha - D. R),
- Karambha and
- Mahákarambha
- are the five flower-poisons.
E. Bark-poisons, pith-poisons and gum-poisons -7
अन्त्रपाचककर्तरीयसौरीयककरघाटकरम्भनन्दननाराचकानि सप्त त्वक्सारनिर्यासविषाणि;
The bark, pith and gum of
- Antra-páchaka,
- Kartariya,
- Sauriyaka,
- Kara-gháta,
- Karambha,
- Nandana and
- Varátaka are the seven bark-poisons, pith-poisons and gum-poisons
कुमुदघ्नीस्नुहीजालक्षीरीणि त्रीणि क्षीरविषाणि;
The milky exudations of
1. Kumudagkni,
2. Snuhi and
3. lála Kshiri are poisons and arc known as the three Kshira-Vishas,
फेनाश्म(भस्म) हरितालं च द्वे धातुविषे;
1. Phenásma-bhasma ( white arsenic )
2. and Haritála ( yellow orpiment ) are the two mineral poisons.
कालकूटवत्सनाभसर्षपपालककर्दमकवैराटकमुस्तकशृङ्गीविषप्रपुण्डरीकमूलकहालाहलमहाविषकर्कटकानीति त्रयोदश कन्दविषाणि;
- Kála-kuta,
- Vatsa-nabha,
- Sarshapaka,
- Palaka, -
- Kardamaka,
- Vairataka,
- Mustaka,
- S'ringi-visha,
- Prapaundarika,
- Mulaka,
- Háláhala,
- Mahá-visha and
- Karkataka,
- numbering thirteen in all, arc the bulb-poisons
इत्येवं पञ्चपञ्चाशत् स्थावरविषाणि भवन्ति ||५||
Thus the number of poisons obtained from the vegetable and mineral world (Sthávara) amount to fifty-five in all.
Metrical Text
There are
चत्वारि वत्सनाभानि मुस्तके द्वे प्रकीर्तिते |
षट् चैव सर्षपाण्याहुः शेषाण्येकैकमेव तु ||६||
षट् चैव सर्षपाण्याहुः शेषाण्येकैकमेव तु ||६||
- four kinds of Vatsa-nábha poisons,
- two kinds of Mustaka
- and six kinds of Sarshapaka.
- The remaining ones have no different species.
Effects Of Poison On The Human Organism
Root-poisons or poisonous roots
उद्वेष्टनं मूलविषैः प्रलापो मोह एव च |
- a twisting pain in the limbs,
- delirium
- and loss of consciousness.
जृम्भाङ्गोद्वेष्टनश्वासा ज्ञेयाः पत्रविषेण तु ||७||
- yawning,
- difficult breathing and
- a twisting pain in the limbs.
मुष्कशोफः फलविषैर्दाहोऽन्नद्वेष एव च |
- a swelling of the scrotum,
- a burning sensation in the body and
- an aversion to food.
A flower-poison
भवेत् पुष्पविषैश्छर्दिराध्मानं मोह एव च ||८||
- vomiting,
- distensions of the abdomen and
- loss of consciousness.
त्वक्सारनिर्यासविषैरुपयुक्तैर्भवन्ति हि|
आस्यदौर्गन्ध्यपारुष्यशिरोरुक्कफसंस्रवाः ||९||
- a fetour in the mouth,
- roughness of the body,
- headache and
- a secretion of Kapha (mucus from the mouth).
फेनागमः क्षीरविषैर्विड्भेदो गुरुजिह्वता |
whereas a mineral poison
- are foaming from the mouth,
- loose stools (diarrhoea) and
- a curvature (drawing back) of the tongue,
हृत्पीडनं धातुविषैर्मूर्च्छा दाहश्च तालुनि ||१०||
gives rise to
प्रायेण कालघातीनि विषाण्येतानि निर्दिशेत् |११
- pain in the heart,
- fainting and
- a burning sensation in the region of the palate.
- All these are slow poisons proving fatal only after a considerable length of time.
Effects Of Bulb-Poisons
Now we shall describe in full the respective effects of the bulb-poisons which are very strong (Tikshna) in their actions
कन्दजानि तु तीक्ष्णानि तेषां वक्ष्यामि विस्तरम् ||११||
स्पर्शाज्ञानं कालकूटे वेपथुः स्तम्भ एव च |
ग्रीवास्तम्भो वत्सनाभे पीतविण्मूत्रनेत्रता ||१२||
ग्रीवास्तम्भो वत्सनाभे पीतविण्मूत्रनेत्रता ||१२||
- complete anesthesia,
- shivering and
- numbness.
- Paralysis of the neck and-
- yellowness of the stool, urine and of the eye-balls
सर्षपे वातवैगुण्यमानाहो ग्रन्थिजन्म च |
1. Retention of stool and urine (Anáha),
2. disorders of the palate and
3. the appearance of glands
are the effects of a case of Sarshapa poisoning.
-Palaka poisoning
ग्रीवादौर्बल्यवाक्सङ्गौ पालकेऽनुमताविह ||१३||
1. Loss of speech and
2.weakness of the neck
arc the symptoms in a case of Palaka poisoning. -
प्रसेकः कर्दमाख्येन विड्भेदो नेत्रपीतता |
1. Water-brash loose stools (diarrhoea) and
2. a yellowness of the eyes mark a case of Kardamaka poisoning.
वैराटकेनाङ्गदुःखं शिरोरोगश्च जायते ||१४||
1. Pain in the limbs and
2. diseases of the head arc produced in a case of Vairataka-poisoning.
गात्रस्तम्भो वेपथुश्च जायते मुस्तकेन तु |
1. Shivering and
2. a numbness of the limbs are the effects of a case of Mustaka-poisoning.
शृङ्गीविषेणाङ्गसाददाहोदरविवृद्धयः ||१५||
1. Lassitude,
2. a burning sensation in the body and
3. an enlargement of the abdomen mark a case of S'ringi-visha-poisoning.
पुण्डरीकेण रक्तत्वमक्ष्णोर्वृद्धिस्तथोदरे |
1. An enlargement of the abdomen
2. and redness of the eyes are the symptoms of Pundarika-poisoning.
वैवर्ण्यं मूलकैश्छर्दिर्हिक्काशोफप्रमूढताः ||१६||
1. A discolouring of the complexion,
2. vomiting
3. hic-cough,
4. swelling and
5. a loss of cousciousness are the effects of the Mulaka-poison. -
चिरेणोच्छ्वसिति श्यावो नरो हालाहलेन वै |
1. Difficult breathing
2. and a tawny brown colour of the skin mark a case of Hala-hala-poisoning.
महाविषेण हृदये ग्रन्थिशूलोद्गमौ भृशम् ||१७||
1. Aneurysm (Granthi) on the region of the heart
2. and a piercing pain in the same are the symptoms in a case of Maha'-visha-poisoning;
कर्कटेनोत्पतत्यूर्ध्वं हसन् दन्तान् दशत्यपि |१८
while a case of Karkataka-poisoning is marked by
1. laughing,
2. gushing of the teeth
3. and jumping up (without any cause).
Specific Properties Of The Above-Named Bulb-Poisons
कन्दजान्युग्रवीर्याणि प्रत्युक्तानि त्रयोदश ||१८||
सर्वाणि कुशलैर्ज्ञेयान्येतानि दशभिर्गुणैः |१९|
कन्दजान्युग्रवीर्याणि प्रत्युक्तानि त्रयोदश ||१८||
सर्वाणि कुशलैर्ज्ञेयान्येतानि दशभिर्गुणैः |१९|
These thirteen kinds of bulbous poisons should be deemed as very strong * in their potency and they possess the following ten properties in common.
रूक्षमुष्णं तथा तीक्ष्णं सूक्ष्ममाशुव्यवायि च ||१९||
विकाशि विशदं चैव लघ्वपाकि च तत् स्मृतम् |
विकाशि विशदं चैव लघ्वपाकि च तत् स्मृतम् |
- They arc parching (Ruksha) and
- heat-making (Ushna in their potency.
- They are sharp (Tikshna) and
- subtle (Sukshma) i.e., have the power of penetrating into the minutest capillaries of the body and
- are instantaneous (Asu) in their effects.
- They first permeate the whole organism and become subsequently digested (Vyaváyi) and
- disintegrate the root-principles of the body (Vikási) . -
- They are non-viscid (Vis'ada),
- light in potency (Laghu)
- and indigestible (Apáki).
* The text has "Ugra-viryani" (strong in potency). Gayi reads "Agra-Viryani" (of great poteney).
तद्रौक्ष्यात् कोपयेद्वायुमौष्ण्यात् पित्तं सशोणितम् ||२०||
मतिं च मोहयेत्तैक्ष्ण्यान्मर्मबन्धान् छिनत्ति च | शरीरावयवान् सौक्ष्म्यात् प्रविशेद्विकरोति च ||२१||
तद्रौक्ष्यात् कोपयेद्वायुमौष्ण्यात् पित्तं सशोणितम् ||२०||
- A poison aggravates the bodily Váyu in virtue of its parching quality
- and vitiates the blood and the Pitta through its heat-generating property.
- It overwhelms the mind (produces unconsciousness)
- and tends to disintegrate the limbs and muscles in virtue of its sharpness
- and penetrates into and deranges the minutest capillaries owing to its extreme subtile essence.
आशुत्वादाशु तद्धन्ति व्यवायात् प्रकृतिं भजेत् |
क्षपयेच्च विकाशित्वाद्दोषान्धातून्मलानपि ||२२||
- It proves speedily fatal owing to its speedy activity and spreads through the entire organism which is the very nature of a drug) on account of its rapid permeating or expansive quality.
- It annihilates the root-principles (Dhátus) as well as the Doshas and the Malas (excreta) of the body through the power of disintregation,
- and does not adhere to any spot therein owing to its non-viscidness.
दुश्चिकित्स्यं च लाघवात् |
दुर्हरं चाविपाकित्वात्तस्मात् क्लेशयते चिरम् ||२३||
- It baffles the efficacies of other drugs
- and thus becomes unremediable on account of the extreme lightness (of its potency),
- and it cannot be easily assimilated owing to its innate indigestibility. It thus proves troublesome for a long time.
स्थावरं जङ्गमं यच्च कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम् |
सद्यो व्यापादयेत्तत्तु ज्ञेयं दशगुणान्वितम् ||२४||
यत् स्थावरं जङ्गमकृत्रिमं वा
देहादशेषं यदनिर्गतं तत् |२५|
सद्यो व्यापादयेत्तत्तु ज्ञेयं दशगुणान्वितम् ||२४||
यत् स्थावरं जङ्गमकृत्रिमं वा
देहादशेषं यदनिर्गतं तत् |२५|
A poison of whatsoever sort, whether animal, vegetable, or chemical, which proves almost instantaneously fatal (within a day) should be regarded as possessed of all the ten aforesaid qualities.
Definition Of Dushi-Visha (Weak And Slow Poison)
जीर्णं विषघ्नौषधिभिर्हतं वा दावाग्निवातातपशोषितं वा ||२५||
स्वभावतो वा गुणविप्रहीनं विषं हि दूषीविषतामुपैति |
वीर्याल्पभावान्न निपातयेत्तत् कफावृतं वर्षगणानुबन्धि ||२६||
स्वभावतो वा गुणविप्रहीनं विषं हि दूषीविषतामुपैति |
वीर्याल्पभावान्न निपातयेत्तत् कफावृतं वर्षगणानुबन्धि ||२६||
- A poison whether animal, vegetable or chemical, not fully eliminated from the system and partially inherent therein, enfeebled, of course by anti-poisonous remedies is designated a Dushi-visha (weak and slow poison)
- which is even extended to those the keenness of potency whereof is enfeebled by the sun, the fire and the wind,
- as well as to those which are found to be naturally devoid of some of the ten aforesaid natural qualities of a poison.
- A Dushi visha, owing to its enfeebled or attenuated virtue and as a necessary consequence of its being covered over with the bodily Kapha, ceases to be fatal though retained in the system for a number of years.
Symptoms Of Weak And Slow Poisoning
तेनार्दितो भिन्नपुरीषवर्णो विगन्धवैरस्यमुखः पिपासी |
मूर्च्छन् वमन् गद्गदवाग्विषण्णो भवेच्च दुष्योदरलिङ्गजुष्टः ||२७||
मूर्च्छन् वमन् गद्गदवाग्विषण्णो भवेच्च दुष्योदरलिङ्गजुष्टः ||२७||
- A person afflicted with any sort of Dushi-Visha develops such symptoms as,
- looseness of stool (diarrhoea),
- a discoloured complexion,
- fetor in the body,
- bad taste in the mouth,
- thirst,
- epileptic fits,
- vomiting (D. R. - vertigo),
- lassitude,
- confused speech
- and all the symptoms of Dushyodara *
* See Chapter VII (Sounds Of A (Medicated) Drum, Etc., Possessed Of Anti-Venomous Virtues (Dundhubhi-Svaniya)). para 10, Nidána-sthána.
A Dushi -Visha lodged in the Amásaya (stomach)
आमाशयस्थे कफवातरोगी
- gives rise to diseases due to the combined action of the Váyu and Kapha;
seated in the Pakvásaya (intestines)
पक्वाशयस्थेऽनिलपित्तरोगी |
- it brings on diseases due to the deranged condition of the Váyu and Pitta and
- leads to the falling off of the hair.
- The patient becomes rapidly atrophied,
- and looks like a wingless bird.
When it attacks the Rasa, etc. † of the system
भवेन्नरो ध्वस्तशिरोरुहाङ्गो विलूनपक्षस्तु यथा विहङ्गः ||२८||
स्थितं रसादिष्वथवा यथोक्तान् करोति धातुप्रभवान् विकारान् |
कोपं च शीतानिलदुर्दिनेषु यात्याशु पूर्वं शृणु तत्र रूपम् ||२९||
- it produces the diseases * peculiar to the root or vital principles of the body.
- Its action on the body becomes aggravated on a cloudy day and by exposure to cold and wind.
† These are the seven fundamental principles of the body.
* See Chapter xxvii (Modes Of Extracting Splinters (Shalyapaniya-Madhyayam)), Sutra Sthana.
Premonitory Symptoms Of Dushi- Visha Poisoning
Now hear me first describe the premonitory symptoms (of its aggravation). They are as follow: -
निद्रा गुरुत्वं च विजृम्भणं च विश्लेषहर्षावथवाऽङ्गमर्दः |३०|
- Sleepiness,
- heaviness (of the limbs),
- yawning,
- a sense of looseness (in the joints),
- horripilation and
- aching of the limbs.
ततः करोत्यन्नमदाविपाकावरोचकं मण्डलकोठमोहान् ||३०||
धातुक्षयं पादकरास्यशोफं दकोदरं छर्दिमथातिसारम् |
वैवर्ण्यमूर्च्छाविषमज्वरान् वा कुर्यात् प्रवृद्धां प्रबलां तृषां वा ||३१||
उन्मादमन्यज्जनयेत्तथाऽन्यदानाहमन्यत् क्षपयेच्च शुक्रम् |
गाद्गद्यमन्यज्जनयेच्च कुष्ठं तांस्तान् विकाराश्चं बहुप्रकारान् ||३२||
- a sense of intoxication after meals,
- indigestion,
- disrelish for food,
- eruptions of circular patches (Man-dala) on the skin,
- urticaria (Kotha),
- fainting fits,
- loss of the vital principles of the organism (D. R - loss of flesh)
- swelling of the face and the extremities (D.R. - Atrophy of the hands and legs),
- ascites (Dakodara),
- vomiting,
- epileptic fits,
- Vishama-jvara,
- high-fever and
- an un-quenchchable thirst.
- Moreover, some of these poisons produce insanity.
- Some of them are characterised by an obstinate constipation of the bowels (Anáha),
- others, by an involuntary emission of semen
- while a few others produce confused speech, Kushtha (leprosy), or some other similar disease.
Derivative Meaning Of " Dushi- Visha "'
दूषितं देशकालान्नदिवास्वप्नैरभीक्ष्णशः |
यस्माद्दूषयते धातून् तस्माद्दूषीविषं स्मृतम् ||३३||
दूषितं देशकालान्नदिवास्वप्नैरभीक्ष्णशः |
यस्माद्दूषयते धातून् तस्माद्दूषीविषं स्मृतम् ||३३||
A constant use of some particular time, † place and diet as well as constant and regular day-sleep tends (slowly) to poison the fundamental root-principles (Dhátus) of the body and this (slow) poison is consequently known as the Dushi-Visha.
† By " the particular time" is meant a cloudy and windy day as well as the rainy season. By "the particular place" is meant a marshy country, and by "the particular diet" is meant wine, sesamum, Kulaltha-pulse, etc. as well as physical exercise, sexual intercourse, fits of anger, etc.
Symptoms Of The Different Stages Of Sthávara Poisoning
1. In the first stage of a case of poisoning by a Sthávara (vegetable or mineral) poison,
स्थावरस्योपयुक्तस्य वेगे तु प्रथमे नृणाम् |
श्यावा जिह्वा भवेत्स्तब्धा मूर्च्छा श्वासश्च जायते ||३४||
- the tongue becomes dark brown and numbed,
- and epileptic fits and hard breathing follow in its wake.
2. second stage
द्वितीये वेपथुः सादो दाहः कण्ठरुजस्तथा |
विषमामाशयप्राप्तं कुरुते हृदि वेदनाम् ||३५||
The second stage is marked by such symptoms asविषमामाशयप्राप्तं कुरुते हृदि वेदनाम् ||३५||
- shivering,
- perspiration,
- burning sensation,
- itching and pain in the body;
when seated in the Amásaya (stomach)
- it causes pain in the region of the heart,
The third stage
तालुशोषं तृतीये तु शूलं चामाशये भृशम् |
दुर्वर्णे हरिते शूने जायेते चास्य लोचने ||३६||
पक्वामाशययोस्तोदो हिक्का कासोऽन्त्रकूजनम् |
is marked by दुर्वर्णे हरिते शूने जायेते चास्य लोचने ||३६||
पक्वामाशययोस्तोदो हिक्का कासोऽन्त्रकूजनम् |
- a dryness of the palate
- and severe (colic) pain in the stomach.
- The eyes become discoloured, yellow-tinted aud swollen.
When seated in the Pakvás'aya (intestines)
- it produces hic-cough, cough, and a sort of pricking pain and
- rumbling sound in the Antra (intestines).
The fourth stage
चतुर्थे जायते वेगे शिरसश्चातिगौरवम् ||३७||
- is marked by an extreme heaviness of the head,
The fifth stage
कफप्रसेको वैवर्ण्यं पर्वभेदश्च पञ्चमे |
सर्वदोषप्रकोपश्च पक्वाधाने च वेदना ||३८||
- is marked by salivation,
- discolouring of the body
- and a breaking pain in the joints.
- It is marked also by the aggravation of all the Doshas
- and pain in the Pakvádhána (intestines?).
The sixth stage
षष्ठे प्रज्ञाप्रणाशश्च भृशं चाप्यतिसार्यते |
- is characterised by loss of consciousness
- or excessive diarrhoea;
The seventh stage
स्कन्धपृष्ठकटीभङ्गः सन्निरोधश्च सप्तमे ||३९||
- is marked by a breaking pain in the back, the shoulders and the waist
- and a complete stoppage (of respiration) *.
* The seven stages of the poisoning are due to the poisoning of the seven fundamantal root-principles (Dhátus) of the body in succession.
Treatment: -
A. In the first stage
प्रथमे विषवेगे तु वान्तं शीताम्बुसेचितम् |
अगदं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां पाययेत समायुतम् ||४०||
प्रथमे विषवेगे तु वान्तं शीताम्बुसेचितम् |
अगदं मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां पाययेत समायुतम् ||४०||
- the patient should be made to vomit
- and to drink cold water after that.
- Then an Agada (Anti-poisonous remedy) mixed with honey and clarified butter should be given him.
B. In the second stage,
द्वितीये पूर्ववद्वान्तं पाययेत्तु विरेचनम् |
- the patient should be first made to vomit as in the preceding stage
- and then a purgative should be given him.
C. In the third stage
तृतीयेऽगदपानं तु हितं नस्यं तथाऽञ्जनम् ||४१||
- Anti-poisonous potions,
- medicated snuffs (Nasya) and Anjanas possessed of similar virtues are beneficial.
D. In the fourth stage
चतुर्थे स्नेहसम्मिश्रं पाययेतागदं भिषक् |
- An anti-poisonous potion through the vehicle of a Sneha (clarified butter) is efficacious .
E. In the fifth stage
पञ्चमे क्षौद्रमधुकक्वाथयुक्तं प्रदापयेत् ||४२||
- the patient should be given an antipoison-ous medicine with the decoction of Yashti-madhu and honey.
षष्ठेऽतीसारवत् सिद्धिरवपीडश्च
- the treatment should be as in a case of diarrhoea (Atisára) and
- the use of a medicated snuff in the form of an Avapida is recommended.
G. In the seventh stage
सप्तमे |
मूर्ध्नि काकपदं कृत्वा सासृग्वा पिशितं क्षिपेत् ||४३||
- The latter remedy (Avapida-Nasya) should be applied as well
- and the scalp after being shaved in the shape of a Káka-pada * (crow's claw) should also † be incised with a small incision.
- The incised flesh and the (vitiated) blood should also be removed.
* The particular form of shaving the hair, in which the part of the scalp from and above the forehead only is shaved is technically called a Káka-pada.
† The particle "va" means that the measures laid down in respect of the treatment of a Jangama poison viz. beating the patient on the head, forehead, etc. should also be resorted to.
Koshátakyádi Yavagu
वेगान्तरे त्वन्यतमे कृते कर्मणि शीतलाम् |
यवागूं सघृतक्षौद्रामिमां दद्याद्विषापहाम् ||४४||
कोषातक्योऽग्निकः पाठासूर्यवल्ल्यमृताभयाः |
शिरीषः किणिही शेलुर्गिर्याह्वा रजनीद्वयम् ||४५||
पुनर्नवे हरेणुश्च त्रिकटुः सारिवे बला |
एषां यवागूर्निष्क्वाथे कृता हन्ति विषद्वयम् ||४६||
After adopting the respective measures enjoined in respect of the several stages of poisoning, the patient should, in the interval of any two stages be made to drink in a cold state a gruel (Yavágu) prepared with the decoctions of
- Koshátaki (Ghoshá),
- Agnika (Ajamodá),
- Páthá,
- Surya valli,
- Amritá
- Abhayá.
- S'irisha,
- Kinihi,
- Selu,
- Giryáhvá, (white Aparájitá),
- the two kinds of Rajani,
- the two kinds of Punarnavá,
- Harenu,
- Trikatu,
- Sárivá,
- and Balá (D.R. Sárivá and Utpala)
- mixed with honey and clarified butter.
मधुकं तगरं कुष्ठं भद्रदारु हरेणवः |
पुन्नागैलैलवालूनि नागपुष्पोत्पलं सिता ||४७||
विडङ्गं चन्दनं पत्रं प्रियङ्गुर्ध्यामकं तथा |
हरिद्रे द्वे बृहत्यौ च सारिवे च स्थिरा सहा ||४८||
कल्कैरेषां घृतं सिद्धमजेयमिति विश्रुतम् |
विषाणि हन्ति सर्वाणि शीघ्रमेवाजितं क्वचित् ||४९||
- Clarified butter should be duly cooked with an adequate quantity of water
- and the Kalka of Yashti-madhu, Tagara, Kushtha, Bhadra-dáru, Harenu, Punnága, Eld, Ela-váluka, Nágakes am, Utpala, sugar, Vidanga, Chandana, Patra, Priyangu, Dhyá-maka, the two kinds Haridrá, the two kinds of Vrihati, the two kinds of Sárivá, Sthirá (Sála-parni) and Sahá (Prisni-parni).
- It speedily destroys all kinds of poison in the system
- and is infallible in its efficacy.
दूषीविषार्तं सुस्विन्नमूर्ध्वं चाधश्च शोधितम् |
पाययेतागदं नित्यमिमं दूषीविषापहम् ||५०||
दूषीविषार्तं सुस्विन्नमूर्ध्वं चाधश्च शोधितम् |
पाययेतागदं नित्यमिमं दूषीविषापहम् ||५०||
A patient afflicted with the effects of Dushi-Visha inherent in the system should be
- first fomented and cleansed by both emetics and purgatives.
- The following anti-poisonous Agada (medicine) should then be taken daily.
पिप्पल्यो ध्यामकं मांसी शावरः परिपेलवम् |
सुवर्चिका ससूक्ष्मैला तोयं कनकगैरिकम् ||५१||
क्षौद्रयुक्तोऽगदो ह्येष दूषीविषमपोहति |
नाम्ना दूषीविषारिस्तु न चान्यत्रापि वार्यते ||५२||
सुवर्चिका ससूक्ष्मैला तोयं कनकगैरिकम् ||५१||
क्षौद्रयुक्तोऽगदो ह्येष दूषीविषमपोहति |
नाम्ना दूषीविषारिस्तु न चान्यत्रापि वार्यते ||५२||
- - Pippali, Dhyámaka, Mámsi, Sávara (Lodhra), Paripelava *, Suvarchiká, small Ela, Toya (Bálaka) and Suvarna-Gairika should be taken with honey.
- It destroys, when taken, the Dushi-Visha (slow chemical poisoning) in the system.
- It is called the Vishári-Agada and
- its efficacy extends also to cases of all other kinds of poisoning.
* "Paripelava" means either "Dhanyaka" or "Kaivartta-Mustaka".
Treatment Of The Supervening Symptoms Of Poisoning
ज्वरे दाहे च हिक्कायामानाहे शुक्रसङ्क्षये |
शोफेऽतिसारे मूर्च्छायां हृद्रोगे जठरेऽपि च ||५३||
उन्मादे वेपथौ चैव ये चान्ये स्युरुपद्रवाः |
यथास्वं तेषु कुर्वीत विषघ्नैरौषधैः क्रियाम् ||५४||
ज्वरे दाहे च हिक्कायामानाहे शुक्रसङ्क्षये |
शोफेऽतिसारे मूर्च्छायां हृद्रोगे जठरेऽपि च ||५३||
उन्मादे वेपथौ चैव ये चान्ये स्युरुपद्रवाः |
यथास्वं तेषु कुर्वीत विषघ्नैरौषधैः क्रियाम् ||५४||
Cases of
- fever,
- burning sensation in the body,
- hic-cough,
- constipation of the bowels,
- loss of semen,
- swelling,
- diarrhoea,
- epileptic fits,
- heart-disease,
- ascites,
- insanity,
- shivering,
- and such other supervening symptoms (consequent on the effects of a Dushi-Visha inherent in the system) should be treated with remedies laid down under the respective heads of the aforesaid diseases in accompaniment with (suitable) anti-poisonous medicines.
Prognosis: -
साध्यमात्मवतः सद्यो याप्यं संवत्सरोत्थितम् |
दूषीविषमसाध्यं तु क्षीणस्याहितसेविनः ||५५||
दूषीविषमसाध्यं तु क्षीणस्याहितसेविनः ||५५||
- A case of Dushi-Visha poisoning in a prudent and judicious person, and of recent growth is easily cured,
- while palliation is the only relief that can be offered in a case of more than a year's standing.
- In an enfeebled and intemperate patient, it should be considered as incurable.
इति सुश्रुतसंहितायां कल्पस्थाने स्थावरविषविज्ञानीयो नाम द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ||२||
Thus ends the sceond Chapter of the Kalpa Sthána in the Sus'ruta Samhitá which treats of the Sthávara and jangama poisons.
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